calling any one from missouri

RC RIR are pretty cool!! Are they out of an old heritage line? Hatchery RIR roos ruined me on the breed years ago. I am experimenting with fermented feed to see how my birds do and see if I can get feed cost down through the winter, summer is no biggie as they free range and do pretty darned good for themselves. Our extra eggs get sold, so that helps as well. I am thinking my feed consumption is going to go down anyway as I had a bunch of BBS Orpingtons in the previous flock those things were somewhat lazy and did not forage well and ate alot of food and did not lay well at all, the only Orpingtons I have left are 4 BO girls from Cackle a couple of years back and they do forage well and lay good although they can't keep up with the laying of the older EE girls. I think for us going with a smaller thrifty bird makes the most sense, although I do love the big chubby dual purpose, maybe someday again when the economy gets better, if it ever does lol.
Yep old lines, not hatchery. I like the idea because the RC is dominant. That way I can let them range with BR's and can sex link any crosses with RC's!

Yeah, the BO's are kinda lazy but nice layers and good broodies. I keep the girls with my BA's as considered pretty much the same thing.

Got a trio of SLW I'm not sure what I want to do with. Roo is a BIG boy. I got the girls last year with the idea of doing sex links with them and the girls are good reliable layers. Boy is too pretty to send to freezer camp.
Anybody interested in a trio? They're nice but I'm not so enamoured I want to build another pen for them solo. Bad enough having to set up covered runs for turkeys since I've got 3 breeds!
Sounds like a nice trio there!! I imagine you won't have a hard time finding a place for them to go, would be a great opportunity for someone wanting to get into that breed.

Let me know how the roo's are with the older line. I am working hard on the hubby to get him to be "ok" with eating our own chickens lol. so I can justify the feed bill for dual purpose :D.

Update on the group of EE chicks, these gals and guys are growing and thriving, they are also very friendly little things, less than a week old and they come to the "chick, chick" call. They have their little wing feathers and are starting to sprout their tails, sooooo cute!
Yep old lines, not hatchery. I like the idea because the RC is dominant. That way I can let them range with BR's and can sex link any crosses with RC's!

Yeah, the BO's are kinda lazy but nice layers and good broodies. I keep the girls with my BA's as considered pretty much the same thing.

Got a trio of SLW I'm not sure what I want to do with. Roo is a BIG boy. I got the girls last year with the idea of doing sex links with them and the girls are good reliable layers. Boy is too pretty to send to freezer camp.
Anybody interested in a trio? They're nice but I'm not so enamoured I want to build another pen for them solo. Bad enough having to set up covered runs for turkeys since I've got 3 breeds!
i would take them but I need to make seven pens already, timing not good.
The muscovy started laying!!!!!! Woooohoooo!!!!!
The egg hunt begins. Kinda hard to nest on snow!
One got the idea that that might be what the hay in the barrels is for tho.

Yeah, it can take some getting over eating what you raise up - but that's life on the farm. Boys just aren't good for much but stud and a little goes a long way there. Everybody earn's their keep or they get et. Remind DH of that and he may become more accomodating....
Yep old lines, not hatchery. I like the idea because the RC is dominant. That way I can let them range with BR's and can sex link any crosses with RC's!

Yeah, the BO's are kinda lazy but nice layers and good broodies. I keep the girls with my BA's as considered pretty much the same thing.

Got a trio of SLW I'm not sure what I want to do with. Roo is a BIG boy. I got the girls last year with the idea of doing sex links with them and the girls are good reliable layers. Boy is too pretty to send to freezer camp.
Anybody interested in a trio? They're nice but I'm not so enamoured I want to build another pen for them solo. Bad enough having to set up covered runs for turkeys since I've got 3 breeds!
Would love to take your SLW's for you! I am in the Rolla area, let me know if you still have them :)
The trio is spoken for but I'd like to find a home for these guys.
White guy is supposed to be Jersey Giant and he's big but I thought they'd be bigger. RIR boy won't be needed with the rose combs I'm bringing in and with wanting to free range .... these stud muffins won't be needed. Both are good protective roo's, not too hard on the girls and not agressive towards people.

I am looking for a couple blue/black orps to go with my buff flock if anyone in my area has any for sale? I have 11 buffs and one red orp roo. I also have a banty cochin roo who is getting too beat up and need to add to my small flock to ease the tension
I can't get rid of the little roo as it belongs to my great grandson. I would prefer young pullets but not chicks.
Hi! I am from outside of Odessa MO. Odessa is about 45 miles east of KC.

We had 27 inches of snow and it is beginning to melt. The weather people say we will hit the 50's this weekend. They also said at one time we would only get 6 inches of snow.

I do not have any chickens yet. Our local feed store is having chick day this Saturday, but not sure my husband is ready for this. No, do not have a coop built either. I do have lots of beekeeping equipment tho!

I am looking at getting layers that handle our winters and summer heat/humidity. I love the Polish birds they are so funny, but everything says you need to be "experienced" to take care of them. Any suggestions?

We had to tear down the chicken coop that was here. It was rotted. The only thing we could save was the wood from the roof. It was a garden shed converted. The floor was rotten, the side plywood was pretty bad and no yard except for the outside door still attached to posts. The door just out in the yard all by itself.

We are not carpenters by any means. My husband is NOT a handyman of any kind. So, I was considering buying a kit, rather than make our own from scratch.

And as always - Go Tigers! (yes I have a child at Mizzou!)

I am looking for a couple blue/black orps to go with my buff flock if anyone in my area has any for sale? I have 11 buffs and one red orp roo. I also have a banty cochin roo who is getting too beat up and need to add to my small flock to ease the tension
I can't get rid of the little roo as it belongs to my great grandson. I would prefer young pullets but not chicks.
Hi ozark hen hadn't seen you around in awhile...

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