calling any one from missouri

I just float teasted 2. Both floated with the top above water like where the airsack is... Ok?? So confused. Of course my slippery hands dropped one and now it's cracked... Maybe helped the little guy out??? Yeah, right.

Any movers? All it will tell is that it is fully developed. Only way to know if it is alive is to see movement!
oooooooohhhhhh nooooooooooo!

I had only 2 sinkers - I did them all. Have had 3 stank bombs go off and that's plenty. A Marans was kinda high and a side floater so while I took a chance (2/4) an put it back in may not be viable. 18/24 still in the game seems like.

Didn't leave em in there long enough to see if they were moving - batch in, settle down, back out and back in.
Any movers? All it will tell is that it is fully developed. Only way to know if it is alive is to see movement!

Well, I was rudely interrupted by those people we lovingly call family after the 2nd one... Good grief! Don't they know how important this is?!?' Lol! No, they really don't. So now that I have a few more minutes I'm going to try again. Guess the one I cracked needs to come out. Guess i can eggtopsy and see if it's dead. So, off I go!
Im in that kc six inches in the last 48 and my peahen laid her second egg the first one ended up in a puddle so fingers crossed she will brood these I helped her move it out of the puddle she was trying on her own so I very carefully helped her and happened to be there when she laid the second now I really need a incubator so I can stress less lol ya ok!!
Im in that kc six inches in the last 48 and my peahen laid her second egg the first one ended up in a puddle so fingers crossed she will brood these I helped her move it out of the puddle she was trying on her own so I very carefully helped her and happened to be there when she laid the second now I really need a incubator so I can stress less lol ya ok!!
Got a 1 day repreive up by me. Dunno about broody pen hens, haven't got into them. Costly and Grandma says they're louder than my guineas.
And for the incubator part. Some its a real love hate relationshiwith most people and their bators. 1 person does great, next person same deal and set up even same eggs and its all scrambled. Me I get lucky as they come, sometimes. I have been at 0% and at 100%. and everything in between.

When you find yourself threatenning your bator (Yes guilt of that) its that time when you know perhaps poultry math has kicked your rock too much.
I just had a great hatch 90% and thats counting the 2 pip deaths and a unabsorbed egg sac I culled as not hatching. 100% of eggs into lock down were hatching. And I had MAJOR issues just as I locked down. But last time was 50/50 roughly. But had power issues then too.
And lastly theres the addiction. When get your 1st hatch then you can't stop. Its ALL you want to do. You end up with 200+ chicks, ducklings, keets that we NOT planned. Ok we I am going that way anyway. Only gained about 50 since mothersday but I have dzs of chicken eggs cooking and waiting til tomorrow to set. 80 guineas cooking, 16 more for tomorrow. 10 Duck eggs, 7 more in tomorrow. And thats just this month
. Good thing I live in the sticks and have very respectful and nice neighbors. They stop for ALL my poultry crossing the road.
You are lucky with your neighbors had two that did not care for my guineas but one has came around and is now fine the other one Iam not sure have not talked to him for some time but I do try to keep my birds from going up to his place when I can, should have some keets hatching this comming week. This is my first time, letting the hens do the work. we have had over 6inches of rain and still raing was going to J C but not now just to wet and suppose to rain some more good luck with all of your babies Peanut

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