calling any one from missouri

I am not in for profit either but sure don't need more birds. I am one of thoes people who should have done more research, just remembered my Mom having guineas but did not remember any thing else just liked the sound they made so learning as I go thanks to everyone BYC Hope everyone who is going JC has a good time and don't get rained on
I am not in for profit either but sure don't need more birds. I am one of thoes people who should have done more research, just remembered my Mom having guineas but did not remember any thing else just liked the sound they made so learning as I go thanks to everyone BYC  Hope everyone who is going JC has a good time and don't get rained on

Saw guineas at J. Cave. Now I know how loud they can be. My9 yr old would imitate them. Ugh!
They look full to me.
Did you see anything move?
Quote: It looks good to me. The shadow on the left in the second photo? That's likely where the head is and you should see it moving with its breathing. When I see them like that, I will often make a pinhole it the very top of the shell- NO bigger than the width of a pencil lead- just to make certain fresh air is available. Make sure your humidity is good because the membrane can get tough if it's dry in there.

Hope you get some soon!!!
It looks good to me. The shadow on the left in the second photo? That's likely where the head is and you should see it moving with its breathing. When I see them like that, I will often make a pinhole it the very top of the shell- NO bigger than the width of a pencil lead- just to make certain fresh air is available. Make sure your humidity is good because the membrane can get tough if it's dry in there. 

Hope you get some soon!!!

Thanks, Renee! Good advise about the pin hole. I will try it! And the HUGE box did show up today and they look great!!! :)
Hey, hens collect eggs for a time before they brood them.
What happens happens.
Lowered expectations maybe, but worth a chance to take a chance giving them a chance.
No chance being the guests of honor for breakfast!

Told the PO guy this morning to keep an eye out for my shipment of bacon embryo to go wit dees eggs.
It was pretty sloppy at JC but by the time Jackie and I got there and met up with CJ and Nicole rain was done. Seemed like there were more vendors than lookers - good if you're looking to buy, could be better if selling...
CJ has a GORGEOUS adult pair of Sulmtalers for sale. We headed back East with Wheaten Sulmtaler and CCLegbar chicks and hatching eggs galore. Nicole got her split on Renee (ChooksChicks) big ole box of eggs - that was hot off the counter from the PO and some scovy ducklings. Sure had some pretty bunnies!

Everything under the sun could be found there, guns, goats, getups and everything in between. Didn't get to trot around much but plan on it at the next one in the fall - Oct. Maybe more MO folks could plan to do a Saturday meet up then? Some good people on here!
We got Africans :)

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