calling any one from missouri

I am the LF Cochin fan. I have splash, a black roo now and a newly hatched blue waiting for the other five to hatch.
Hopefully tomorrow the rest will hatch I am holding my breath on it!
Checking in from Camden county. We've got a little 40 acre farm here with quite a few Boer goats. I've been staring at our two ponds for years wanting ducks in them. Next month I'm making it happen with a few Anconas. Really looking forward to it, having a lot of fun designing their house and learning all about them. I've only had mammals before so all this bird stuff is new to me!
I'm almost literally in your backyard - Barnhart! Would like to talk to you about some chicks if you have any available. I've been considering buying them from Buchheit's in House Springs. They all seem healthy and have access to ample supplies. I'm still in the construction stage of my chicken plantation (ha!)
I'm almost literally in your backyard - Barnhart! Would like to talk to you about some chicks if you have any available. I've been considering buying them from Buchheit's in House Springs. They all seem healthy and have access to ample supplies. I'm still in the construction stage of my chicken plantation (ha!)
I got my chicks from Buchheit's 2 years ago & haven't had any problems. I have currently have 3 white leghorn chicks & 1 astrolorp chick in the brooder & 9 Black Penedesenca eggs & 1 Olive egger in the incubator. I also have 3 Welsummer hens that a friend gave me (they are about 1 12 years old. I am also going to put more eggs in the incubator on March 14th ( for the Easter hatch along).
Pm me & we can set up a time that you can come over & see our set up & our flock (besides the ones listed above, we have 2 roosters & 16 laying hens).
So we did not make it to Ann's to select a dog today due to the pending snow which has been flying around outside all evening.
It's okay though she is going to be in Columbia on Sat. and I will be meeting her there. I know she is also meeting someone else about the pyres she has. We have made our selection though and would like to have the female if it is at all possible. She has a bit of a mischievous side to her that Ann is going to work on correcting. It was funny when she told me the pyre likes to scatter the birds when they are eating. It reminded me of the guineas doing the same which we called "bowling for chickens". Okay so not funny in your dog but it is something that can be corrected with training. Ann is going to keep me posted on how she does this week.

Our hen is up to hatching 7 out of 8 eggs so far and they are adorable =)

hope all are staying warm during our winter chill.
Yup. Ohhh the weather outside is frightful.......but inside it's so delightful... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! LOL!
People she' meeting up with next weekend for another pup are getting birds and eggs from me so I'm hoping she won't mind training them up with her while she's at it. Anything I have up for sale you wanted could maybe travel up too....

Ann's a nice gal. Genuinely cares about her animals. Glad I could connect everybody up.
Yup. Ohhh the weather outside is frightful.......but inside it's so delightful... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! LOL!
People she' meeting up with next weekend for another pup are getting birds and eggs from me so I'm hoping she won't mind training them up with her while she's at it. Anything I have up for sale you wanted could maybe travel up too....

Ann's a nice gal. Genuinely cares about her animals. Glad I could connect everybody up.

That's a nice idea. do you by chance have any blue or splash LF Cochin hens?
I could use a couple more White Crested Black Polish standard hens as well if you have any?
We don't have the mix chicken house brought over yet but when we do I'm going to add some EE's I believe is how you explained them to me. Hubby still likes the Ameracana??? one with the tuft that lays the colored eggs.
Hmm no LF cochin. Only WCBP I have is a cockerel. Am cockerel I have. Maybe a couple girls throwing olive eggs later, hatching to see what they r producing before I do tho - project cross.

What kind of cochins do you have? Friend of mine up in the KC area has developed a sudden mad urge for gold or silver laced, and MF cochins - fancy stuff.
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Hmm no LF cochin. Only WCBP I have is a cockerel. Am cockerel I have. Maybe a couple girls throwing olive eggs later, hatching to see what they r producing before I do tho - project cross.

What kind of cochins do you have? Friend of mine up in the KC area has developed a sudden mad urge for gold or silver laced, and MF cochins - fancy stuff.

I am in my first year and have mainly LF splash Cochin. The blue Cochin chicks hatched over the last couple days. I have a beautiful black Cochin roo I will be breeding as soon as Jack Frost stops snowing on my parade. The WCBP are not happy with this weather either they have gone down to a couple eggs the last few days. I'd like to know how I am to get chicks if they don't lay the darn eggs? I asked them that when I was out feeding and they just clucked at me. I would also like to know why one of the WCBP roos has taken up residence in the top hen box? He's really starting to anger me. Yes I moved you three weeks ago get over it and be a rooster! Hmmm Come to think I have room in the freezer camp for a nice rooster if he keeps this up.

I'll see what you have in EE's once we are able to get the third coop moved over here. I'm excited about all the hens even if they are over the hill in age. Taking care of chickens has been a real joy for me.

The MF and gold laced seem to be the ones picking up on the want list I've noticed from reading and talking to others.

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