calling any one from missouri

My chickens were not amused with the snow. They didnt even attempt to come out when I went to thaw their water. Later when it had stopped snowing and the sun was out Tiger walked out into it, flapped around and squawked, then went right back in the coop. The others didn't even come up to the door.
Same thing happened here. Out of 3 current flocks only one ventured out into the snow. They flew out of the coop and stood stranded. Flew a bit farther and stood there a while they did that a couple more times till I tromped down the snow made a path back to the coop and covered the path with a little straw.

Some people claim that white birds are more vulnerable to hawks than other colors.
There's nothing more vulnerable to hawks than a black bird stuck in the snow.
I don't agree with the first point because a hawk can see a mouse in the grass from very high up so I don't think the color of the bird makes much difference.
None of mine mind the snow, not even the Silkies (which I'm really surprised). As soon as the door is open out they all come, and usually head straight for the garden and peck around. I still have broccoli and Brussels sprouts that are still green and poking up through the snow (and we've got just over 6" of the white stuff), although they don't HAVE to get out in it to get greens as in the hoop house I have lots of kale, chard, clovers. etc, that I feed them daily inside the coop. They just like to be outside. Right now the roo is perched on the edge of one of the cold frames, crowing to his hearts content.
Well now this stinks!
I want to do the Easter egg hatch but I don't think my chickens will give me enough eggs unless it warms up a lot before then. Even at that I don't have enough hens laying eggs to fill my bator.
. I blame hubby. He wouldn't let me get all the chicks I wanted last spring.
Well now this stinks!
I want to do the Easter egg hatch but I don't think my chickens will give me enough eggs unless it warms up a lot before then. Even at that I don't have enough hens laying eggs to fill my bator.
. I blame hubby. He wouldn't let me get all the chicks I wanted last spring.

You have about a month. If you can get a light in your coop and add just an hour or two of light a day, you'll be surprised at how quickly they start laying. We're already up to 11 hours of natural light a day now. I was getting very few eggs and wanted to do the NYD hatch. I added just 2 hours of light, mostly to help the rooster fertility but was amazed that most of the flock started laying within a week, even a 6 year old hen.

IMHO, temperature has very little to do with it. It's just that around the world short days coincide with colder weather. Light reaching the pineal gland is the primary stimulation for egg production as well as fertility in roosters.
My flock of guineas (12) are all freaked out with this snow. They spent the first day perched in some trees in back of their barn. 2nd day in an oak tree beside the barn. (Flew out of barn and into trees, I think they spent the first night up in the trees) I put down some litter from the tree to the barn door yesterday to entice them back into the barn to eat and drink, I didn't think they'd make it all night for the 2nd night, outside in the tree. There were tracks of a fox or coyote around under the tree too....they did go in for the night finally, but this morning flew out and way far away from the barn into a grove of cedar trees!! They seem petrified to walk in the snow and I don't know if they will survive the next week or two, with all the cold temps and precip. we're supposed to get. Just gotta hope they fly back to the barn again before nightfall....crazy stupid birds!
Ask and ye shall receive! lol.

On the natural board we were talking about the Indiana chicken fest and I said I wanted to go to a chicken fest.
Well it's not a chicken fest but Cool Chicks North of St Louis a new group on facebook have organized a meeting in a little town called Shelbina (that's shell like a sea shell and bi as in bye). Anyway.... they decided to meet in the middle and that's why they chose Shelbina.
If you are available and I don't care where you live really if you want to come and join in the chicken chatter everyone is welcome!
Here is the info: March 7th at 2pm to ??
This & That Restaurant, 119 W. Chestnut, Shelbina Mo.

I'm very excited! I'm going to my very first chicken meet up

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