calling any one from missouri

Good morning all! I am new here and just got our girls last night, extremely excited
.. last night my husband and I realized, now that we have them, we have more questions than we thought
LOL..Like, our garden is next to the run, and want to put tomatoes on the fence line, but read somewhere that tomato is not good for them.

I give my hens red tomatoes and have not had a problem. Just don't let them eat tomatoe vines
Thanks everyone, ya all have been very helpful! So, this newbie has another question :) We was wondering with the temperature dropping, should we put in a small heat bulb? We have 3 hens Buff Orpington, Amerecuna and Rhode Island Red.
Thanks everyone, ya all have been very helpful! So, this newbie has another question :) We was wondering with the temperature dropping, should we put in a small heat bulb? We have 3 hens Buff Orpington, Amerecuna and Rhode Island Red.
No need to heat, just keep draft free. They have down coats on. They are very tuff and will be just fine. Make sure they have plenty of water and food
Thanks everyone, ya all have been very helpful! So, this newbie has another question
We was wondering with the temperature dropping, should we put in a small heat bulb? We have 3 hens Buff Orpington, Amerecuna and Rhode Island Red.
That depends on how old they are. Are they young chicks that haven't feathered out yet? Then yes they should have a heat bulb in with them and room for them to get away from it as well. That way they decide if they are too hot or cold. If they are fully feathered out, then no they don't need heat. but as stated above, keep them free of drafts no matter what age they are.

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