calling any one from missouri

Hi everyone.  I am Candice, in North Central MO.  Been out of the chicken game for a few years due to a divorce and move to town, but am jumping back in since moving back to the country.  So excited to be back, I have paint Silkie eggs cooking in the bator and am waiting on some Swedish Flower Hen eggs (darn birds should know we want those eggs now for spring and not be taking a winter vacation!).

Trying to decide if I just want a huge flock of various breeds I love or if I am going to limit myself to certain purebreds.  I see a member here just sold their Buckeye flock....wish I would have gotten in on that, I miss my Buckeyes and it is proving difficult to find eggs already this year.  I know that is a breed I want.  I think this first year back I will hatch anything I get my hands on.  I can always sell them later!

We are also looking for a milk cow to complete our farm (have @ 100 head beef cattle, Angus-American White Park cross).  It will be so nice to cut the egg and milk expense from the budget.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you again and chatting chickens.
welcome to the NYC!
Hello I'm in Amsterdam Missouri very close to lake lacygne ks. I don't drive but very much want to get a couple buff orpingtons and black jersey giants. They have to be hens. Any help much appreciated. Thank you
Hello I'm in Amsterdam Missouri very close to lake lacygne ks. I don't drive but very much want to get a couple buff orpingtons and black jersey giants. They have to be hens. Any help much appreciated. Thank you
We don't have either of those breeds but you are so close to me. Just wanted to say hey from our neck of the woods. We vacation over at Lacygne lake every year. Hoping to take the horses over more often this year.
Thanks for the information, EdenCamp. I'm planning to net over my run and seriously thinking about taking my fruit netting and using it to instead wrap the kennel panels that are going to form my run to cut down the possibility of wild birds getting to my future flock. (got em ordered and paid for. Now the waiting begins!).

I have to admit that worming chickens in new to me. It's been a few decades since I last kept chickens. Much simpler time. Give them a hutch, let em roam the yard, give the hens nest boxes and the roosters hens and you were good to go. Like babies, keep em warm, fed and dry and they were happy and so were you. So I'm not quite sure what to do at this point with this brave new world of back yard chickens. Do I feed my new chicks medicated feed or not? Do I worm them and if I do, what with and at what age? I'm familiar with sheep having dealt with Coccidia in the past but I have to admit I'm having a DUH moment here. Is the worming schedule for the Ozarks different than one from the north east corner of the state? (NEMO)? If so, how? Or is it something I don't have to worry about. Or if I do have to worry about it, how do I start my chicks and juvies on the right track and keep them there into their productive years?

Sorry took so long to get back - off wandering behind the lil animals.

South of 70 COMMERCIAL flocks typically worm monthly. Those that depend heavily on their eggs production may only want to treat with valbazen during molt or when ever nobody much is laying anyway and eprinex a time or two during the year otherwise. Poultry should really be wormed 30 days apart - MU vet told me poultry worm cycle is different that with mammals. So IO plan on alternating treatment periods with the Valbazen and the Safegard Drench - but I mostly hatch rather than do eggs to eat.
From Pine Grove (William Bennet) ....
Valbazen which is a cattle wormer is the best I've ever used..It kills more types of worms than all the others combined, And you don't have to worry about a massive worm kill like with piperazine or ivermectin which will sometimes clog the intestines..Valbazen slowly starves the parasites over a 2 to 5 day period..
Valbazen is also used for human treatments at 400 mg child or adult..So unless you are allergic to it I'ts ok to consume the eggs after treatment, But I and all I know wait two weeks ..I'ts pricey at around $40.00 per bottle but well worth it

Dosage is 1/2 cc orally to adult large fowl.. 1/4 cc for bantams and young standard breeds

eprinex at TSC or Jeffers – no egg withdrawal
Welcome, Candice! Down by Warrensburg, here.

So... I'm having trouble finding any breeders who I really trust within any distance that makes the gas cost worthwhile. And it's driving me nuts. Maybe you might have some suggestions?

I picked up a delightful little hen at a swap several months ago. Quarantined her 30 days... only didn't know enough to check for lice
And now I'm virtually terrified to buy from anyone whose flock I don't know, or who doesn't come highly recommended as having *healthy* birds for starters. I'm hugely invested in bio security and do not want any exposure that I can prevent.

Secondly... every person presently selling the breeds I'm interested in, is doing "pairs"...and if I get any more roos here, some of them are going to have to end up in the pot. I am building the boys something this year, far away from any ladies, but really... that's just wasted money unless I'm able to use them for breeding.

Third, I'm getting more and more picky about bringing in birds that meet breed standards. Or are close enough that a little bit of improving might be done, but not a lot of improving.

Fourth, after purchasing my darling little Turkey, who died, and in hindsight I realized she had respiratory issues the day I bought her (all tested okay - aspergillus) from a hatchery, and then talking with a breeder who explained a little more how hatcheries work, and the quality (as far as Standards go) of the stock... I'm not interested *at all* in Hatchery chicks.

So here's where my heart's desire is this year:

2 Buff Brahma pullets
2 Black Copper Maran pullets
2 Buff Orpington pullets (not banty)
2-3 SQ Silkie pullets / pullet any color one needs be black
1 Tolbunt Polish Frizzle pullet
1 plain white cochin pullet / hen

Anyone know anyone you would recommend? Even someone who would ship pullets who maintains -- as much as possible given discussion points above -- a disease-free flock?

Part of me feels like folks who are actively showing their birds are at least hands-on enough with most of their stock to know if they are ill and aren't actively lugging birds around who are disease or parasite ridden. Should I just find a good chicken show in Missouri and take some extra cash?


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