Campine Chicken thread?

I'm new to chickens and I got this little chick at a feed store, could she be a campine? She was in the bantam assortment bin.
it is very possible of a pencilled breed. the campine is probably the most popular in the States (I guess), but a chick as light as this is more likely to be of a Friesian Gull, or another Dutch pencilled breed. But I don't know if you have these in the US.

If it is a Campine, it should have very narrow banding in 5 weeks time such as these chicks. The Campine is the darkest of all pencilled breeds with black being 3 to 4 times the width of white.If it is any lighter it either isn't a 'perfect' Campine or it is a sister breed.
it is very possible of a pencilled breed. the campine is probably the most popular in the States (I guess), but a chick as light as this is more likely to be of a Friesian Gull, or another Dutch pencilled breed. But I don't know if you have these in the US. If it is a Campine, it should have very narrow banding in 5 weeks time such as these chicks. The Campine is the darkest of all pencilled breeds with black being 3 to 4 times the width of white.If it is any lighter it either isn't a 'perfect' Campine or it is a sister breed.
Thank you for the help! I agree with you that she is lighter than the other campine chicks I have seen and she looks a lot like the friesian gull chicks! I dont know if they are here in the US.
A vigourous strain indeed.
This little roo started crowing at 2 weeks old.
And now, just under 4 weeks he's trying to tread his sisters...

Pictures 2 and 3 are his other brothers.
I have two Golden Campine Roos that I will give to anyone that is interested. They are 15 weeks old and the loudest little buggers you have ever seen. They started crowing early and often. They don't have a mean bone in their body, but they are skittish. Both are at the bottom of the pecking order. Photos are from a couple weeks ago.

yes they are very loud and noisy,they are just cranking up wait until they grow up,mine starting crowing at 4 and dont stop until 8 or 9 at night,good luck getting rid of them
I have two Golden Campine Roos that I will give to anyone that is interested. They are 15 weeks old and the loudest little buggers you have ever seen. They started crowing early and often. They don't have a mean bone in their body, but they are skittish. Both are at the bottom of the pecking order. Photos are from a couple weeks ago.

Srutan23, those Goldens look very nice. Very dark, with very narrow barring. Too bad I'm nowhere closeby;)

I just picked up Campine hatching eggs in Ireland myself. Hopefully they'll hatch. Not the best lookers, but we need more blood.

quik remarks on these campine: rooster's back is to slopy, hen is flowered not barred, to much dark spots in the neck, rooster has flowered breast, also comb on roo is too beefy and has only 3 instead 5 distinct peaks, the comb also leans too much forward on the beak
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Hi, Drieslag! Good to "see" you again! Are those your Campines? Where did you source those? I'm glad to hear that you are finding some to work with. I may be ready to send your sister some eggs this fall... or in the spring, for sure.
hey wisher, no, the campines above are the irish parent stock i got the eggs from. so maybe i'll have some chicks like those in a couple of weeks. they're from a town north of dublin where was for a city trip;)

i'll check whether my family is coming over anytime again this year, thanks!!!

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