
Wow, CoyoteMagic!!!

Hiking the Appalachians has always sounded interesting to me. I love the way you described your camping adventures. We're just starting out. Still "softies" on air mattresses. LOL
Thank you. I have always loved the outdoors, even as a little kid.

I still have an "air matteress". It's self-inflating rolls up to be about an inch and a half thick and slips into a corner of my pack.

Trust me there are still things I have to take with me. Clean undies!!
I must have a clean pair of undies at the end of each day. With a backpack you have to limit what you take with you. I take 3 pair. 1 to start out with. 1 to change into and 1 that has been washed and is hanging off my pack drying!!

Check out message boards. You can get all kinds of idea of how to easy your way into backpacking from camping with all kinds of gear. My stove is made of a soda can, my water bottle are Gatorade bottles, and my tub is a bunch of baby wipes in a plastic bag.
We'd planned to go two weeks ago. Then the rain set in... Haven't had a chance yet. Afraid we may not squeeze it in this year.

Time definitely gets away.
Hi Julie, I am sorry about the roo/pullet thing. Good thing I did not get them. I live in the city. I did get some chicks a few weeks ago. They are supposed to be sexed but who knows. I am very curious about Oak Mtn. We love to bike ride. Did you check out the trails? We have a small lot with an RV parked on it across the street from the beach. The lot backs up to a huge state park. I read the paper while there and it seems someone(believe or not) rescued a black bear out of the bay! So far there have been 6 bear sightings over the last 2 wks. in my area. The little boy across the street from us kept telling us he saw a bear, we just laughed. Oh Well, the laugh is on us. I am a little afraid but not terribly. I will be curious to see what they do about these bears b/c this is a big tourist area.

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