Can’t tell what type of mite this is or is it lice? I have pictures

Yes you are so right, the coop I have is all wood minus the roof. There are little joints and knots all over. This is just the roosting area. The other part of the coop has chicken wire and a few pieces of wood. I have sprayed every part I can think of, but im missing somewhere. Do the mites go in the dirt? The flooring is a combination with dirt and slats I got on but the main roosting area is all wood flooring. I’m planing on building a new coop. I don’t want to use wood cause of these mites, I don’t want to bring them to the new coop. I’m looking into to getting something temporary. I just feel defeated but I’m still trying to get rid of the mites. I’m going to get them out if I have to burn the coop down hahaha… Saturday I’m going to do try the blow torch method. My poor chicken don’t even want to go in at night.

Thank you for your response, it helps a lot!
Perhaps you've missed an important point in my post.
Mites lay eggs, lots of eggs and the sprays and powders will only deal with the hatched/live mites. The eggs hatch and the coop becomes re-infested.
A blow torch clean (assuming you have a suitable coop) will kill the eggs and the mites. The blue tip of a proper blow torch is around 400C. Nothing in the coop survives this but it has to touch them.
I just got this today,

I ordered from uk cause we can’t get it here in us. I was looking for Exzolt, but couldn’t find it. I stumbled across this red stop solution. I’m leery about using it since I have given them ivermectin. Might have to wait a few days before trying it. Have you heard of it and does it work?
I don't understand why you are ordering products from the UK when the USA has a wider range of chemicals more easily available (?)
Yes I have read about the product but have never used it.
The spray for the chickens, where do I put it? On their skin under wing or just feathers or above vent?
Lift the feathers at the back of the neck and spray there.
Work your way down their back and spray making sure the product reaches the skin.
Lift the wings and spray under each.
Spray above and below the vent, but not on it.
Perhaps you've missed an important point in my post.
Mites lay eggs, lots of eggs and the sprays and powders will only deal with the hatched/live mites. The eggs hatch and the coop becomes re-infested.
A blow torch clean (assuming you have a suitable coop) will kill the eggs and the mites. The blue tip of a proper blow torch is around 400C. Nothing in the coop survives this but it has to touch them.
Got it, & yes I understand. Thank you, I’m going to use a blow torch today.
Lift the feathers at the back of the neck and spray there.
Work your way down their back and spray making sure the product reaches the skin.
Lift the wings and spray under each.
Spray above and below the vent, but not on it.
I don't understand why you are ordering products from the UK when the USA has a wider range of chemicals more easily available (?)
Yes I have read about the product but have never used it.
I was looking for a product called Exzolt. It is hard to find here. While I was looking for it, I saw the red solution and thought I’d give it a try. This is why I ordered from uk. I normally don’t do it, unless I can’t get it here.
I just got this today,

I ordered from uk cause we can’t get it here in us. I was looking for Exzolt, but couldn’t find it. I stumbled across this red stop solution. I’m leery about using it since I have given them ivermectin. Might have to wait a few days before trying it. Have you heard of it and does it work?
Read the ingredient label when you get it but looks like it's a plant-based solution that goes in the drinking water.
Likely it would not interfere with the Ivermectin but do some homework on any contraindications.

What I quickly found through the google machine: Red Stop Solution contains 100% natural ingredients with no residues. The solution is composed of extracts of non-toxic plants: Thyme, Burdock, Tansy, Alcohol and Glycerol hydrate.
Read the ingredient label when you get it but looks like it's a plant-based solution that goes in the drinking water.
Likely it would not interfere with the Ivermectin but do some homework on any contraindications.

What I quickly found through the google machine: Red Stop Solution contains 100% natural ingredients with no residues. The solution is composed of extracts of non-toxic plants: Thyme, Burdock, Tansy, Alcohol and Glycerol hydrate.
Thank you so much. I will look and see on the label and see if any contraindications, awesome idea. I am going to give it a couple days before I use it just to b safe. I will let you know how it works. Just incase anyone asks. 😉 thank you again.
Just wanted to give an update. We are finally rid of We figured out why nothing was working. The mites came from the rats, they were ratmites. We ended up completely moving the chickens out for a few days and fogged the coop with a mite pesticide. Also did another treatment of ivermectin. It took so much to get rid of them. We will need to retreat in 6 to 8 months. Everyone thank you for your advice and help, it helped a lot.

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