Can’t tell what type of mite this is or is it lice? I have pictures

I've never used spinosad. How long is it effective in the coop and on the birds?
I read somewhere 3-5 days but I could be wrong. I’m on day 3 so far. There is so many things to use, but not all work. I’ll be rather annoyed if it doesn’t work cause it is rather expensive. But if it does work, it will be worth it. I’m thinking the flame thrower is a good idea hehehe
I think that the permethrin spay does last longer... Haven't looked up the actual data though. The mites that we've had to deal with didn't reappear that fast at all, ever.
I’m going to try it Thursday. After the first week of psp. My cats are going to hate me for locking them up all day, but it is worth it.
I believe @azygous has found Elector PSP very effective.

Maybe you have a really heavy infestation.
It wouldnt surprise me. When I removed the tape on the end of the roosting bars, it looked like piles of moving dirt. It was pretty gross. I need better double sided tape. It didn’t stick to the roosts well. I didn’t put the tape back. I will after a couple week, to see if they are still there.
How fast does it work? I have sprayed and cleaned coop and my chickens. And I’m still seeing mites. They are not as thick as the first time, but I see them on my chickens. I can actually see them on the outside of their feathers. Is there something I can use that is fast acting to kill them on contact?
Did you tear/take out all the coop interior including bedding, nestboxes, feeders, water dispensers and the roosts for cleaning?
It is best to clean everything far away from the coop using a tarp underneath, so the mites cannot escape and instantly run back.
Don't forget to spray the ceiling of your coop and the exterior coopwalls including the roof as well. The underside in case it is a raised coop and underneath the roof tarp or shingles, even the exterior chicken ladder needs to be treated.
Prior to spraying, I would use a bunsen burner to carefully flame every nook and cranny (flaming mites causes a crackeling sound) but always keep a bucket filled with water handy, in case you set the coop on fire. :D

Maybe think of letting your chickens stay somewhere else far away from their usual coop and run for as long as it takes to get everything mite free.

But make sure they are mite free and will not spread the infestation.
Did you tear/take out all the coop interior including bedding, nestboxes, feeders, water dispensers and the roosts for cleaning?
It is best to clean everything far away from the coop using a tarp underneath, so the mites cannot escape and instantly run back.
Don't forget to spray the ceiling of your coop and the exterior coopwalls including the roof as well. The underside in case it is a raised coop and underneath the roof tarp or shingles, even the exterior chicken ladder needs to be treated.
Prior to spraying, I would use a bunsen burner to carefully flame every nook and cranny (flaming mites causes a crackeling sound) but always keep a bucket filled with water handy, in case you set the coop on fire. :D

Maybe think of letting your chickens stay somewhere else far away from their usual coop and run for as long as it takes to get everything mite free.

But make sure they are mite free and will not spread the infestation.
Yes, I did everything but the taking off the roosting bars. They are stuck to the walls of the coop and I can’t move them. I like the idea of burning the mites I’m going to try it. Also the tarp idea is great, I should have thought of that instead of them just going in the dirt. I wish I had somewhere to take the chickens. It would be so helpful, but unfortunate there is no where. They free run in my yard all day. When I put them up for the night half of them jump on top of the coop. I’m sure cause they don’t want to go in the coop. Tonight I’m thinking of letting them stay there. As for predator my cats will guard them and a camera, fingers crossed.
Update: still have mites, elector psp and permethrin has not killed them. Has anyone used “Red Stop Solution Red Mite Control from uk? Does it work. You put it in their water. Yesterday morning my 20 week old Silkie died. I went to open coop and she was laying under the roost covered in mites. It was a sad day. I have been spraying weekly. And cleaning coop every other day. What am I doing wrong? I have given my chickens nutridrench, and I ordered roster boaster to help with nutrients. I’m so worried. I have used hen and stable spray from martins, and also followed the direction on the permethrin bottle. Along with elector psp 9ml per gallon. Last night I used 12ml per galon of psp and cleaned the coop. I also have tried dawn soap and diluted bleach when cleaning out coop.
Any advice is needed. Thank you
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Update: still have mites, elector psp and permethrin has not killed them. Has anyone used “Red Stop Solution Red Mite Control from uk? Does it work. You put it in their water. Yesterday morning my 20 week old Silkie died. I went to open coop and she was laying under the roost covered in mites. It was a sad day. I have been spraying weekly. And cleaning coop every other day. What am I doing wrong? I have given my chickens nutridrench, and I ordered roster boaster to help with nutrients. I’m so worried. I have used hen and stable spray from martins, and also followed the direction on the permethrin bottle. Along with elector psp 9ml per gallon. Last night I used 12ml per galon of psp and cleaned the coop. I also have tried dawn soap and diluted bleach when cleaning out coop.
Any advice is needed. Thank you
I'm so sorry about your Silkie:hugs

I have never heard of the Red Stop product. I don't know if others like @Shadrach from the UK knows much about it or not.

You are treating the girls too right?
I know the mites concentrate in the coop and come out to feed on roosting birds, but treating the girls may kill/deter mites that come out for them at night.

Any way you can do as @LaFleche has suggested. Treat your hens, then move them to another location while you give their coop a heavy treatment? I don't know if that would even work, but something to try.
I'm so sorry about your Silkie:hugs

I have never heard of the Red Stop product. I don't know if others like @Shadrach from the UK knows much about it or not.

You are treating the girls too right?
I know the mites concentrate in the coop and come out to feed on roosting birds, but treating the girls may kill/deter mites that come out for them at night.

Any way you can do as @LaFleche has suggested. Treat your hens, then move them to another location while you give their coop a heavy treatment? I don't know if that would even work, but something to try.
Yes I’m treating the girls too. Tonight I just put ivermectin on all the chickens. I just did a drop on base of neck and a drop under wing for 13 chickens. A couple of them wouldn’t let me put any under wing so I just put an extra drop at base of neck. I also put Vaseline on their feet. They don’t have scaly mites but I figured maybe that will help so the mite won’t crawl on their feet. I just don’t want to over treat them, but at this point I feel like it’s trial and error. I just hope less error. It just breaks my heart. I don’t know why the sprays haven’t worked. My coop is made out of all wood except the top is metal, maybe I’m missing a place on the wood they are hiding. My next step is blow torching the ends of the coop. I wish I could move the hens. I’m going to look into getting a temporary coop. One thing new I have tried is, I am using hemp bedding instead of straw/hay. No idea if it will help with mites but i thought I’d try it.

Thank you for your reply. It is rough losing your pets. Who would have ever thought I would be so attached to these chickens. Hahaha 😊
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