Can 2 broodys get along in the same space?


10 Years
Oct 27, 2009
Carlsbad, CA
I have 2 broody hens, they are just about ready to hatch. I was hoping to move them with their babies to the floor of the chicken coop. They would share a space of about 14 sq ft. Does anyone know if this is OK to do or not?
They should be fine. It really depends on the hens. Plenty of hens will co-brood and take turns sitting on the same batch of eggs.
I have had it work both ways. My Silkies do well together raising chicks. My LF broodies do not do well together. They try to steal the other one's chicks OR they try to kill them.

Soo beautiful!! Thanks for the picture, they are gorgeous!

OK, so right now they are sitting on separate nests. When I move them together should I do it at night or during the day? I guess I'll need to watch them pretty close to see what happens. They are both Buff Orpingtons. Will I need to do something to protect them from the rest of the flock?
Kathy is pulling your leg. Those aren't chickens. They are a pair of muffs sitting in a hat box.
Kathy is pulling your leg. Those aren't chickens. They are a pair of muffs sitting in a hat box.

SHhhhhhhh! You weren't suppose to tell !

Suechick ... This is what I did with my large fowl girls. I let them start hatching (they were both due the same day). Once a few chicks were hatched, I gave them all (the chicks) to one hen, and gave all the unhatched eggs to the other hen (to finish hatching). Once the hatch is over, you could give ALL the chicks to one hen, and put the other hen back in the layers coop, if you are worried they will fight over the chicks or try to kill the other one's chicks.

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