Can a chicken lay more than one egg a day?

I have 3 hatchery New Hampshire's in the back yard, they have been laying for about 4 months and we have always gotten 3 eggs a day. In the last month we have gotten 4 a day 3 times, we did get only 2 once after that. we collect in the late evenings and they all lay in the same box so they are not overlooked from the day before. I'm impressed, even tho they are hatchery stock left over from a spring order sale they get to stay
My Ameraucana, Suzette, just six and a half months old, started laying at six months to the day on dec 27. She has laid two eggs in one day four times. Sometimes one is soft shelled. Usually the soft-shelled egg is under the roost. Most have a normal shell, and only once did she have a hard shell under the roost -- one of those two-egg nights.

I'm new to this, but she is very happy and seems to be really healthy. She will go to the nesting box without a problem and isn't rushed away by the other girls. I bought oyster shells and gave them to my girls today. I was just assuming she needed to get used to the whole process. We'll see what happens.

Both my Buff Orpingtons started laying at the same time, and while they do not lay as many eggs as Suzette, they have not laid a single soft shell.

Suzette chasing worms

I have a 2 year old Black Australorp that a few months ago starting laying shell less eggs once a week. Generally she would lay every other day. She got to the point of laying only yolks and shell less eggs every other to every day. I talked to my vet, and he got her on some liquid calcium and certain other minerals that aid in "putting on the shell".

She improved greatly on being able to put a shell on the egg, however now she is laying 2 eggs a day. Usually one has a shell on it and the other is always shell less, just the membrane. Sometimes these membranes get stuck, hanging out her rear end and she is unable to pass any fecal matter. She has been doing this for 2 straight days now, working on 3. Early this morning she passed a membrane and is now back in the nest box attempting to lay another egg.

Has anyone else had this happen? Would too much protein cause her to keep releasing eggs? Of should I give her more protein? What is going to happen to this bird if this does not quit?

I kind of think it must be possible.  I only have one chicken that lays white eggs.  I checked this morning- one brown Wellie egg.  Checked a little later.  One tan silkie egg.  Then later, another silkie egg and TWO lovely white eggs.  No deformities, no problems.  Definitely regular sized.  I have four standard-sized layers- three wellies and a polish.  Unless a wellie is laying white eggs, the only other logical culprit is the polish.
man, I wish my polish would lay even one egg! We've had her since last August and she's laid 3 eggs total! Laziest hen on my property! If she doesn't start giving me at least one or two a week by May, into the pot she goes. And she's only 2 years old! (Or so I was told)

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