Can a dog and chickens safely coexist in a small backyard?

My own dogs were/are great with chickens. I had a 110 pit/lab mix (so they said, who knows, he was the gentlest, sweetest dog ever, kids could bite his ears and he wouldn't say boo) and now a 20 pound high energy crazy schnoodle. The big dog passed, but neither dog ever bothered the chickens, although the schnoodle likes to charge at them (I call it chicken bowling) until they get irritated and peck him. Then he steers clear for a couple of weeks. They are not at all afraid of him and they all hang out together. He adds a little protection, as he will come out and bark if they are making a fuss (usually there is a hawk circling.

However, every guest dog except a little miniature dachshund that has ever visited has terrorized the chickens. The hens free range, but we put them in the run when we have guest dogs. We have had guest dogs escape into our backyard before we have time to put the hens in and chase them. We have never had one killed by a dog but we have had to throw a chair at a dog to get it to drop the hen. As bad as the chasers are the dogs who run up and down the run fence line barking and barking. It's really traumatic for the hens and those dogs are never invited back. The best guest dogs go over and exam the run and then ignore the hens. However, even those dogs chase the hens if they free range.

So, I don't know. I'm not sure how my dogs came to be so chicken tolerant, and I worry about getting another dog - will it be a problem? I did not do anything special with my dogs and I'm not really good at training dogs. Like you, I really love my hens and it's important to me they free range. And it's important to me that the dogs have access to my yard via a dog doors. I'm a little encouraged reading some of these posts, but also a little nervous. My schoodle is 16, so the issue of getting another dog is in our minds.
I haven't read through all of the comments but I'm assuming I'm not adding anything that hasn't been said already so forgive me. I would say it obviously depends on the dog breed, and more importantly just the dog individually.

I have a beagle, basset, jack russell terrier mix and he does fine with the chickens now but we used the shock collar method. He can be left out unsupervised all of the time now and has been able to be for years, our chickens are free range. Dogs can be trained, remember that, and remember it is their natural instinct, some dogs having a stronger one than others and perhaps may be pretty much impossible to train. Here's some photos of mine for proof and enjoyment. Best of luck :)

Kipper (424).JPG
Kipper (819).JPG
I have two collies, both males, father and son. They don’t bother the chickens one bit, even if they are out in the yard. I trust the older one 100% around chicks even, he’s very gentle. The younger one I don’t believe would do anything intentional but he gets excited sometimes and could accidentally hurt a baby, but I trust him completely around the older ones.

Personally, unless I raised the dog myself from a rather young age (raised Beau from 12 weeks and Charlie from 7 1/2), I would not trust the dog around my birds. Even if it seemed to be ok when I was around I would not leave them alone. It really depends on the dog. You will have to have safety measures in place in case they do not get along.

But there is also a good chance that they will get along just fine!
20200403_Buddy with sick Ducky.jpg

This is Buddy before he died. He was licking the wounds where Ducky was attacked by a predator. He was half Pyrenees and half wolf or coyote. He was raised by chickens from the time he was about a month old. They were his family and his friends. He got about 4 or 5 ass whippings as a pup for being too rough and killing a few few birds. But by the time he was 1 1/2 years old, if you messed with his chickens, ducks or turkeys, he'd tear you a new ass.
But there was a learning curve and he killed a few as a pup. Plus he had Pyrenees in him. And I worked with him.
Is it impossible to have a dog live with chickens? No. Will you sacrifice a few chickens in teaching him to protect them instead of killing them? Probably. Can just any old dog live peacefully with birds? Probably not. But is it worth the work and sacrifice if the dog can become family with the flock? DEFINITELY!
Definitely depends on the dog, beagles are a type of hound and I would not trust a hound with a chicken because they are a hunting type dog breed.
I couldn't let my pit bull anywhere near my chickens. When she died, we rescued an adult rat terrier who thinks she is a rooster. Just lucky!

I wouldn't be as discouraging as many of these folks. Most rescues will let you return a dog that doesn't work out and you would know pretty quickly. Try a toy companion type dog ...
I agree it will have to do with the breed. A large dog like the 2 german shepherds we have. If a chicken gets out it's pretty much a gonner. They can do so much damage to a hen than a little dog would do. Don't get dachshund they are born hunters!
Most say no, but my dog is a Chihuahua/fiest (squirrel dog) mix weighing about 20 lbs.The only time she has growled at the chickens was when they got too close to her steak bone. In fact, the chickens follow my dog around. Let it be known I am usually out with them when the girls are free ranging. My dog has been fascinated with my pullets since I got them 21 weeks ago. My dog is also a well behaved 6 year old. My cat has a healthy respect for them since they pecked her. Good luck with your decision making process.
My dog is so docile with my chickens that he allows them to steal food from him. I'm talking choice bits of meat and bone from the Christmas ham (watched him walk away from the treat this week, because the chickens were keen on it). When the chickens tired of the treat, I watched (and heard) him gnawing on the bone and whatever meat the chickens left him for hours.
I've had this dog since he was about 10 months old, and he's never had a hungry day in his life. He's a mutt, but looks to have some black labrador crossed with something very short. He stands about 2 feet tall, weighs about 60 pounds. For all intents and purposes, I'd say he's a SHORT black lab, and attribute his gentle nature to the breed.
My boy takes good care of his flock; your mileage may vary.
Like most people say , it depends on the dog ... I got my chickens when they were a week old and I would bring my dog ( female) to see them every day but never let them loose with her since they were tiny ... when we moved them out of house and into coop .. my dog came every day to see the chickens ( she has a motherly temperament)
Once they reached 12 weeks I let her in the run to smell around then I let her smell each chicken under my surveillance .. she did great ... then I started letting chickens out of run to free range ... the chickens are my dogs babies 🥰 she keeps an eye on them and brings them back in the right direction if they go to far she would never hurt them and the chickens know they all have a great relationship even with my rooster ❤️ No issues ...
You would need to try keep dog on leash and see reactions and you would know right away how he reacts .. and if there is a good reaction never leave alone until you are absolutely certain that the dog wouldn’t hurt them ...

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