Can anyone help identify breed. Told they were Black Rock. Thanks

Ark builder

In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2015
Letham, Angus, Scotland
Can you get a better photo of the comb(s) - like a frontal shot of them - so that we can better make out the comb type? Do you have an approximate age of the birds?




Thanjs for helping. They are 24 weeks old. Doubled in size from when we got them and have atarted what appears to be moulting. Looks like pin feathers ( maybe) on the one nearest camera.
They appear to be Wyandotte mixes. Rocks have single combs, and aren't black. There are black Wyandottes, but they should have bright yellow legs, and they aren't very common. The one on the left is definitely a cockerel, he's got long, thin male saddle feathers.
Ah ok. They definitely dont have yellow legs and the one with the red face just the other day "cock a doodle doo" d ! So we had a suspicion she was a he. They both have the same type and colour of feathers and look like the Black Watch Tartan but faces are different in colour. Thanks

They're mixed breed birds. In the first pic, the rooster looks like he has some game blood somewhere, so lean and leggy.
Thankyou. Its been very frustrating in trying to identify them. The person who sold us them breeds lots of different ones so it does ring some sense that they are mixed but he sold us them as Black Rocks and we asked for females so im quite annoyed. However, everything happens for a reason and they are brilliant birds and so easy to care for. Im assuming the hen is no way near to laying due to no red face ?! Not fussed about the eggs or the breed but want to make sure we are caring for the birds appropriately. This site is so informative and everyone so helpful. Thankyou
If they are the same age, then I would estimate that they are about 14 to 16 weeks old judging by the amount of male specific feathering on the cockerel. That would mean that the pullet is still about another month or more away from being ready to lay.

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