Can anyone help please?


5 Years
Oct 6, 2014
What are the symptoms of pasty butt, aside from poop stuck to the vent? I have 5 buffs and an Australorp. They are 2 days old. The Australorp is acting very sluggish and just laying around. He's also getting continually pecked on by one of the buffs. When I picked up the australorp, he did have poop on his butt so I cleaned it with warm water. I've also separated him to a)keep him from getting pecked and b) to keep him from the other chicks in case he has some other illness. I have ACV (unfiltered organic) in his water. Is there anything else I should be doing?
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What are the symptoms of pasty butt, aside from poop stuck to the vent? I have 5 buffs and an Australorp. They are 2 days old. The Australorp is acting very sluggish and just laying around. He's also getting continually pecked on by one of the buffs. When I picked up the australorp, he did have poop on his butt so I cleaned it with warm water. I've also separated him to a)keep him from getting pecked and b) to keep him from the other chicks in case he has some other illness. I have ACV (unfiltered organic) in his water. Is there anything else I should be doing?

Get that ACV out of their water! Supplement water with Sav-A-Chick or a similar poultry vitamin, electrolyte, probiotic powder a couple days a week. Don't give cold water to chicks. At 2 days old they should be at around 90-95 degrees in the brooder. Make sure there are enough feeders/waterers so all of them have access to them. If you clean a pasted butt with warm water soaked on a cotton ball, be sure not to get the chick too wet since you don't want them getting chilled. A little chick sized scratch will help firm them up. At two days old their digestive systems are adjusting to new forms of nutrition in formulated chick feed. Make sure they have fresh feed and water every day. if you have a weak chick, one drop of Poultry Nutri-Drench given to the chick orally may help it on it's feet and get it to start eating.
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Why take the ACV out of the water? Everything else I've read says do that? I'm already doing all of the other things you said. These aren't my first chicks. Just my first with these symptoms. The brooder is fine I have plenty of clean water and feed for 6 chicks. The only thing I'm not doing is the sav a chick. Which I will get.
Why take the ACV out of the water? Everything else I've read says do that? I'm already doing all of the other things you said. These aren't my first chicks. Just my first with these symptoms. The brooder is fine I have plenty of clean water and feed for 6 chicks. The only thing I'm not doing is the sav a chick. Which I will get.

Everything else you've read? Where? On this forum or on websites? You can't believe everything you read. ACV will only upset the developing intestinal tract of such young chicks. It has zero nutritive value for young birds. Doubt what I say? Then continue on as you are.
I'm sorry if I angred or offended you in some way. Yes, this site is a treasure trove of useful information and I searched many posts on this subject before even posting this. I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was simply asking why. But since you've become so offended by my question, I think I'll someone who I have a little more faith in. Thank you for your responses.
Your chick should be eating starter feed and drinking water with probiotics or vitamins so his developing digestive system gets off to a good start. Personally i don't use probiotics in young chicks. If i think they need a boost i feed them a hard boiled yolk. I also don't use ACV even in my adults. I tried it for a while and saw absolutely no benefits for my chickens.
Thank you. I am using starter feed. Although, he's not eating. Not eating, not drinking. Just laying there.
I agree with Michael I wouldn't use the AVC it can be harch on their systems even as adults I've seen better results with probiotics.

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