Can anyone tell me the sex of these two 6 week old chicks?

Ratios I've seen referenced are around 1 rooster per 8-12 hens. I don't know why it's like pulling teeth for you to get an answer to that. Doesn't matter if you're breeding with the intent to hatch chicks or not, a ratio is a ratio. Plus, I think you'd be hard pressed to find an active member here who doesn't already know that a rooster isn't required to get eggs. ;)
Could you free range them at all if you don't already? That will help keep any fighting between Roos down. Some roosters will get along with another roo, and some will try and kill each other. More hens will be better, as well as more space. Good luck!
Ok I thought so, how many hens to one rooster?

It depends on the rooster. The typical ratios quoted are 10 hens per cock, but it will vary greatly from this depending on the bird. I've had Roos who needed twenty hens to keep them in good shape and I've had Roos who needed just one or two. I've had anywhere from two to thirty cocks in the same pen without a problem. Generally speaking once you get below 5-6 hens per cock you're going to start seeing feather wear; this is normal and easily fixed by purchasing hen saddles. However, if the hens begin to act too stressed from mating and begin hiding in the coop, acting skittish, stop laying due to stress, etc., then you have too many or too aggressive of cockerels.
Can anyone tell me the breed of these chicks 5weeks old?




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