Can chickens eat spicy food?

Well, I tried to offer my hens leftover habanero before it went bad and they all shook their heads at me after a taste. I thought chickens have that taste receptor turned off, maybe not for salmon favorelles?
Well, I tried to offer my hens leftover habanero before it went bad and they all shook their heads at me after a taste. I thought chickens have that taste receptor turned off, maybe not for salmon favorelles?

It could just be that they don’t like the taste, or are slow to adopt a new food...not that the heat bothered them.

Unless after a taste their heads turned red and they ran around screaming before dunking their head in a bucket of water. If that, it was probably the heat (and you may have cartoon chickens). :D
cayenne pepper will keep the rats out but chickens don't care??? is this legit?

I used to have a sizable rat problem since the feeder was accessible at night. I added a feed tube cap that "closed" at night but not always completely effective.

A new cat I got a couple years ago "seems" to have resolved or at least reduced the rat issue. But a secondary line of defense would be a good thing too.
cayenne pepper will keep the rats out but chickens don't care??? is this legit?

The capsaicin in the pepper makes mammals (like people and rats and squirrels and dogs) feel like their mouth is burning. But birds (including chickens) are immune to it.

Hot pepper in birdseed is pretty common too, because people don't want squirrels eating the birdseed.

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