Can Chickens eat Sweet Corn

Okay..that is interesting. I have seen the same thing as well.

I wonder if the corn heats up their metabolism...they,ll eat it in the winter, but not very much in the spring, and almost not at all in summer.
I think the corn/metabolism thing is a myth. I'm not sure why you see a difference between summer and winter corn consumption, though.

The dentist said hard brushing/hard bristles can cause enamel and gum damage. I'm no good with a water pick, uncoordinated to the point, where I get soaking wet and the chickens get a big laugh watching me. Do you know what it's like having chickens laugh at you? :(
I have read that it is not a good idea to feed scratch or cracked corn to chickens in the summer as corn is a source of heat and will heat up the chicken to much and cause them to reduce laying. I feed a five grain mix found at TSC and that works better then corn.

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