Can chickens go all day without food?

Michigan Transplant

9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Marionville, MO
I am having trouble with my goats getting into the chicken house and eating their food. I have put it up to where the chickens have to fly up to eat but the stupid goats will still get in there and jump onto the shelf and knock everything down. I have tried putting boards at different angles on the door but they still squeeze their fat bodies into the tiny opening and get in there. That is why I am asking if they can go without food all day, say from 7-7? I have different places where they all have access to water but I need to find a solution for the food. ANY thoughts or help out there???? THANKS.
I am having trouble with my goats getting into the chicken house and eating their food. I have put it up to where the chickens have to fly up to eat but the stupid goats will still get in there and jump onto the shelf and knock everything down. I have tried putting boards at different angles on the door but they still squeeze their fat bodies into the tiny opening and get in there. That is why I am asking if they can go without food all day, say from 7-7? I have different places where they all have access to water but I need to find a solution for the food. ANY thoughts or help out there???? THANKS.
Not the best idea, but yes, they can survive without food during that time. A hearty breakfast and supper is in order, though........Pop
Clearly you need to find a permanent solution. I doubt it's good for the goats to eat chicken feed anymore than it's good for the chickens to go with out food.
Goats should definatly not be eating chicken food especially if it is medicated. the chicken feed could make them very sick. um as for the food how bout like a cage with a 12 by 12 opening someplace high up with a ramp going to it so that the chickens not only have to walk up the ramp but also go through the opening. i know how troublesome goats can be though..I have 25 :)
WOW, 25 goats! Want 4 more??? LOL
I just don't know an easy solution for this dilemma with the goats. I have board across the door going this was and that and the idiots squeeze themselves through the tinniest of area. I tried putting the food up on shelves that are about chest high (I am about 5 foot tall) but the little buck somehow gets up there as well as the pygmy and then eats the chicken food.
NO, chicken food will bloat and possibly kill the goats if they eat to much. MOST of the chickens will get up on the shelf to eat. It is my four ducks that have to go without all day unless I go down there and feed them but they are still afraid of me and the chickens will then come over to eat leaving the ducks on the side lines. The only solution is to get rid of the goats. My barn would appreciate that since they have started eating the wood foundation inside where they sleep.
WHY did I get goats???
Guess I will try using chicken wire and seeing if I can make something so that the chickens and ducks have to put their bills through and hope that the goats cant get to it. I do have a gun........ JK but getting desperate.
I am confused. How are the goats getting into your coop? Maybe you can post pictures of your setup so we can offer good ideas. Can you make pop door up high with a small ramp, and make a lockable regular door, for you to enter with? My goats can not get into my coop, much to the kids dismay. When we were building it, they thought it was a wonderful play place, and my one kid loves to jump onto the nesting boxes, but because the coop is predator proof with a locking door, they can not get into it.

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