Can chickens move into a coop that has mice?

Using poison is a horrible idea because something will end up eating it. Then whatever ate the mouse/rat will also die from the poison. It's just a cascade effect and not a good one.

Bucket traps work wonders and there are lots of you tube videos on how to make them.

Before you put your girls in the coop you could also use snap traps. If you don't free range the girls put snap traps on the outside of the coop/run
They will cohabit with the mice and will eat babies if they find them.
The biggest challenge is trapping the mice without hurting the chickens.
I built a wooden box that makes the snap traps inaccessible to the chickens and kill the mice that way.
Similarly, I bought a small dog kennel (like the smallest they offer) and put a couple mouse snap traps in there. Hens can't interact with the traps, but the mice did.
Some chickens will eat mice, I have one hen that will hunt them if she sees them.

I don't get mice in my coop or run but I do get rats. I just leave a trap set at the base of the coop most of the time even if there isn't evidence of rat activity, as a preemptive measure. But because I have chicks right now I can't have the trap set as the chicks could possibly get to it. It's set behind a cinder block and covered with a wood board held up with bricks spaced to leave a small gap for rodents to access when they're walking along the wall - same sort of thing would work for mice as long as the chickens are large enough to not be trying to squeeze into small openings.
Check out Mouse Trap Monday on YouTube, he's got a slew of safe traps that will get the mice but leave the pullets safe. He tests mouse traps by the score and even sells some that work well. (Avoid the Amazon knockoffs, they are cheap junk)
red pepper/chili flakes in the chicken feed can deter them from eating your chicken food,You can mix them into your chicken food it actually makes the egg yolks more orange.
Barn cats are helpful too.(we get a lot of dropped off cats since we have a big barn)
There are certain poisons that aren't toxic for poultry like "MouseX,ratX,and Ratrid"
Keep the chicken feed in metal trash cans with tight lids. Don't leave feeders full you are only inviting rodents for dinner. As your chickens get older they will take care of the mice, they will either eat them or scare them away.
When I saw the chicken feed disappearing quickly, I went out with a flashlight at night and saw lots of mice. Tried out a Grandpa" feeder where the chickens step on a treadle to access the feed. Mice and rats are too light to open it. Worked so well I now have two of the larger versions that hold over half a bag of feed each. After the first batch of chickens was trained to open it, I never had to train a chicken again, as the new young ones learn from their elders.
When I saw the chicken feed disappearing quickly, I went out with a flashlight at night and saw lots of mice. Tried out a Grandpa" feeder where the chickens step on a treadle to access the feed. Mice and rats are too light to open it. Worked so well I now have two of the larger versions that hold over half a bag of feed each. After the first batch of chickens was trained to open it, I never had to train a chicken again, as the new young ones learn from their elders.
I have not tried these. Sounds great. They are pricey, no? I also have squirrels but the cayenne powder works on them and mice. I do not have a huge problem though.

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