Can hens go broody before they've started laying?


8 Years
Jun 5, 2011
My 21 week old hen has been a little grumpy of late. She's perfectly healthy (I've checked her thoroughly!). I opened the nest boxes this morning as my hens are pol, and she went straight in, rooted through the straw and plonked herself down. She would've stayed there all day if I'd have let her.

Can they be broody before they'e started laying?
I doubt it. When they are truly broody, just taking them off the nest won't break them of it. They will stay there and spend the night there. It's hormones that make them broody, the same ones that make them lay.
Thank you. She's just moody rather than broody then
This is interesting ... I've got 9 19 week old black austolorps and 2 of my little ladies are acting strange... 1st time chicken mommy here so any advice I'll take... I was wondering if they were just prepping or going broody... My poor rooster is going to have his wings full with these ladies looks like lol
Sorry but I beg to differ everyone. I had a 2 month old silkie go broody. She clucked to them. Even had the huge broody droppings that she refused to drop in the cage.

Here is some picsfro my old thread
I agree. I had 2 Easter Eggers go broody at 12 weeks. I had to remove them from the coop into a private pen with no place to brood with our new chicks and they finally quit it. I thought ha you want babies here's 20. Enjoy ya dumb ladies. They came out of it finally. Combs not even red yet. Silly things were broody for 3 weeks

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