can i have a vote

I've been vegan for 4 years and vegetarian for about another 5. (I'm not the pale, scrawny person people think of when the word "vegan" shows up - I could take you down in a snap!
) My husband and kids are vegetarian at home (they eat our chickens' eggs and natural cheese), but Josh eats meat if he's at work - he works at Tyson, how ironic...

Anyways, we don't eat any of our birds, they're all our lovely little friends; they have their own names and we bury them when they pass. We do sell their eggs for $1 a dozen to help pay for feed.

I want to move to a larger place in the get more animals of course...where's the little smiley of a devious yellow head rubbing it's hands together in a scheming plot to get more peeps? ~ Oaknim
I don't think we could eat ours. I had two pet chickens when I was a little girl and my grandmother cooked them up for dinner. If I'm going to eat chicken I'm buying it at the store.
Of those that choose to butcher from a homegrown stock, the choice is not always just one of practicality, some prefer to do it so as not to support the commercial chicken industry.
Even though I've not butchered yet, and may never do so, I like the thought of having the food on my table come from healthy and happy stock. Be it chicken, beef, pork, or whatever-I'm inclined to think that animals raised as close as possible to the way Mother Nature intended instead of unhealthily cramped in cages have got to be a healthier food. JMO.
interesting thread... I often say everyone draws their line in a different place!

I have a different line..... If they're a rescue, they won't get eaten...everyone else is available for dinner.

Just seems wrong to rescue an animal and then eat it. If it's hatched here, or I buy chickens, then it's considered as potential food. All roos get eaten, however for the hens it depends on how many eggs I'm getting!

I wholeheartedly enjoy my chickens, but I'd rather eat my own chicken when possible cuz then I know there are no antibiotics, no bad growing practices, etc.....

We also hunt, fish, and grow a garden. The long term goal is to only go to the store for a few things. So far....we have a long way to go, but having that goal in sight (or in mind) makes you be more conscious about what you decide to do on a daily basis.

My nephew had an extreme dislike of all meats from a very early age. He would retch and gag, no matter how well they hid it from him in sauce or whatever. It was very strange - it's interesting to hear that there are others who experienced the same thing.
ya it is nice to say that im a veg for two reasons - animal right(im not trying to start contriversy) and i just don't like the taste of it
i agree with you, if you have to eat meat (which in many cases people do) than i think it's nice to know where it came from even though it would be to hard for me to do it i think it's a great idea
i see what you mean i never ate fish, i kinda grossed myself out when i was little and learned that many people PEE! in the ocean, (this was when i was like 3 i still ate fish) then i used to think all fish came from the ocean so the all had "human pee" on them, so even though i relize it is silly i kinda ruined fish for myself with that, even though i don't lie the taste of bacon (obviously) i still love the smell of it untill the butchering comes into my mind

warning, if you have a weak heart or are a veg do not read-THIS MAY CAUSE TEARS
so i'm a bit dramatic, who isn't

when me and my friends were riding our bikes one day we happened to go by a pig farm where they were taking the pigs from there mother, the screeching never leaves it was like a pig holocaust we just had to sit and watch afterwards we found we were all (even my "tough" guy friend) crying, we decided a few days later to go a diffrent way and accually ended up wittnessing the buthering of the piggs, the screams were even more horendous and even a mile down the road we could hear it just as clearly, we could here the cold hearted butchers laughing with power saying things like "oh that was a tough one, they taste the best" our eyes were wide with fear and to this day even though neither of them could be a veg, neither of them will go near anything with pig in it, one of the down sides to living in the country.
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