Can I refuse to re-home my rooster?

Pretty much.

It's not always easy to move, but this is exactly why I bought the house I did. I searched everywhere for unzoned property before settling on a rickety old house from the 50s with all original electric and a kitchen from the '70s all so I could have chickens and build whatever I want. My commute for work is pretty long as an additional personal cost, but it's so worth it to have the freedom to do what I want when I want and how I want.

We did the same, except our old farmhouse was built in 1906, and the property is zoned agricultural. It was a LOT of work but well worth it in the end.
I bought 30.x acres, zoned AG, in a FL county of only about 20k people. On the far side of the swamp from the county seat. Zoning doesn't often drive out here. Actually, the building inspector has been approving photographs from my cell phone as I build the house. Sheriff doesn't much drive out here, either. Internet is via cell phone.

Its a different style of living.

To the OP - i suspect the answer i offered you is not the one you desire. While I do not consider myself a religious man, and ascribe to no particular faith, there is a useful wisdom in the Serenity Prayer, to wit:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

This is something you can't change. Pick another fight.
I bought 30.x acres, zoned AG, in a FL county of only about 20k people. On the far side of the swamp from the county seat. Zoning doesn't often drive out here. Actually, the building inspector has been approving photographs from my cell phone as I build the house. Sheriff doesn't much drive out here, either. Internet is via cell phone.

Its a different style of living.

To the OP - i suspect the answer i offered you is not the one you desire. While I do not consider myself a religious man, and ascribe to no particular faith, there is a useful wisdom in the Serenity Prayer, to wit:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

This is something you can't change. Pick another fight.
While others have confirmed this by checking out your local ordinance, just want to repeat that living in an unincorporated area does not mean that you don't have zoning ordinances. Early posts stated that only state laws applied - that's not true. Your county may have regulations, which are further refined by the actual zoning (agricultural, suburban residential - they have different names in various counties).
Some Karen called code enforcement on us because we had some dry leaves on our front yard. The inspector heard our rooster that no one has complained about and he said he needs to go.

We talked to our neighbors months ago when Riley started crowing and they all said that they don't mind the crowing. We give them eggs sometimes and we're all happy.

It doesn't make sense to get rid of my rooster if no one in the area is bothered by him.

Is there anything I can do? We are in an unincorporated zone in Pinellas County, Florida.
move to the country ur animals ca make as much noise as they want!!

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