Can impacted crop smell?


Oct 13, 2020
So we determined this morning that my 3 year old Barred Rock who is molting has impacted crop. She's been eating less, throws up liquid occasionally, a little more lethargic and has been having watery poops for several days. We thought it was molt related but we checked her crop first thing in the AM and it felt like a firm golf ball. Not overly huge but definitely full and firm. We've been giving her olive oil and coconut oil. We are keeping her inside and away from food. We've been massaging the crop as well. She has been drinking a lot of water.

Now when we massage her crop, there is a foul smell coming from her breath. Almost like poop...could it be the food stuck in her crop that is making that smell? Or could it be sour crop? Her crop was firm this morning so we are thinking it's impacted. Her poops are watery but do have some solids in it which makes us think her crop is emptying somewhat.

How do you recommend us treating that? We thought she had impacted crop so we've been giving her a lot of water and some oil but I've read some articles saying to isolate her from food and water.
Hope she recovers quickly. Probiotic and ACV is suppose to help combat sour crop. As well as cleaning all the waters daily while she has these issues. No fat/ no sugar Greek yogurt has probiotics. Massaging the crop like you’ve been doing is good and offering grit can help as well. Let me see if I can find this video of how to show how to empty a crop.

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