Can you feed chickens banana peels???

Some chickens do eat parts of the peel but unless you have a local source of truly organic Bananas, I do NOT recommend feeding the peel to chickens.

Commercially grown Bananas (Dole, Chiquita, etc) are sprayed several times while fruiting then soaked in pesticides and other chemicals just before shipment, which means most of it seeps straight into the peel.
I feed my girls organic peels occasionally. They love them! I have to make sure "miss piggy" gets hers first or she chases anyone around who has one. I give them in moderation and put the others in the compost.
Mine won't eat them if you just check the peel in, they give me look of, it's too big I'm not going to bother. but if we chop it up into rather small piece they love it. Have had my chickens for 5 months now, hasn't harmed them
I toss in whole organic bananas. They peck at it until they can get to the banana and eat it, leaving the peel.
I wonder if it depends on how big the flock and their age.
My goats wouldn't touch a banana peel if they were starving, but there are only two of them and they have more natural forage than they can keep up with.

I just have 7 chicks and there are still lots of things they aren't interested in, but my 10 black sexlinks I had before, if something got put on their log table, it was history, they were quite competitive.

I'll try a frozen banana next time I get some.
I do have a tiny bantam roo that doesn't understand the frenzy about mealy worms. That amazes me :)
Mine rarely get the chance to eat the bananas themselves because I eat those but they love the peels and will eat the whole thing.
Ours wont touch them. They will eat styrofoam and cardboard but no banana peels!

lol! Same here - mine will not even look at a banana, they are so grossed out by it. If one happens to get crazy and take a bite there is a lot of beak swiping going on. Yet they will eat styrofoam. haha
Hi all,
I'm a newbie so learning as I go. Got 2 ladies who love whole bananas, skins and all. They've been munching on them for almost a year (about once per week) now with no obvious ill effects.
Ours wont touch them. They will eat styrofoam and cardboard but no banana peels!

I just signed up so I could tell you I thought your comment was funny! :) I cover my small air conditioner
pipes/coils with styrofoam and have had to replace the styrofoam a couple of times. :)

Thx. for the giggle :)

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