Can you identify my chicks?

So the babies are finally a month old and have grown a lot but I'm still not sure about their breeds! They've grown so much and then there's this one weird comb... You guys will see! :)


This is Tilly! She could be an OEGB but I'm not so sure. I've noticed she has some white-ish marks and feathers coming in around her shoulders. And I guess I say she hopefully because I caught her trying to crow the other day... I think. (She was standing in the crowing position and making crow-like screeches.) Anyways, she (it) is the tiniest one!



This is Buttercup and she has grown so much! I'm pretty sure she's a Buff Cochin and I'm pretty sure she's a she but I just really wanted you guys to see how fluffy she is! Teehee! :)


This is Tupeck (named by my younger brother) who, yet again, wouldn't stay still for the camera. We think he's a black Cochin. His feathers are rough and he has really really long legs!



Finally, this is Lil' Wing (also named by my brother). We think he's a buff Orpington. His come is weird though. It's mostly flat and looks like it has a hole in it. Is this normal?

Thank you guys in advance for your help!

Looks like you have three boys and only 1 girl. Hope you can keep them. Also you might want to ask Donrae or Lady of McCamaly, not sure if I'm spelling that right but they both seem to know a lot about chicks.
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Three cockerels, one pullet.

The black one could be a Langshan, especially if he has long legs. The last could be a buff Wyandotte though I'm not sure if hatcheries have those.
Thanks for the answers, you guys! I was afraid we would end up with three cockerels and one pullet. But at least it's not ALL cockerels! I do hope we are able to keep them and we are still looking for more hens, as well.

Does anyone have a guess on what breed Tilly is? I'm really stumped!
Feathered legs or clean legs? Bantam or LF? What type of comb?

I'm pretty new to this so I'm not really sure what comb he has and I'm pretty are he's a bantam but has clean legs and had chipmunk markings. There's a picture of Tilly in my second to last post if that helps you any! :)

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