Can you look at my wish list?


5 Years
Jul 5, 2016
I have 8 easter eggers currently, and would like to double my flock, as I have TONS of room (8 acres of land, 160 sq foot run, 100 sq foot coop), and my girls are getting past their laying prime. Our chickens are mainly pets, with eggs as a side benefit. We chose our next 8 just by cold tolerance and appearance- we like having chickens that we can tell apart by sight.

Here's my list of chicks that I'd like to order, but I am not sure if there's any reason why any of these would not do well in our New England climate, or if it's a bad idea to get just one of each? Do they do better if they have a buddy that looks like them?

black australorp
buff orpington
golden laced wyandotte
lavender orpington
silver laced wyandotte
speckled sussex
golden cuckoo marans

You have two breeds that can be a little bossy, not always but it can happen Wyandottes and Delawares.
Delawares lay huge eggs though so the sass is worth it.:)
When you say "bossy," do you mean towards humans or the other chickens? And can you comment on the difference between bossiness and aggressiveness? In the past I had one chicken (an easter egger among 12 other easter eggers) who constantly mounted the others, picked at their feathers, etc. I tried everything with her, including solitary confinement for 3 weeks, and nothing worked. All the other hens were stressed and had bare backs. A fox took her eventually (no tears shed here...) and now everyone gets along great. I don't want to go through that again.
When you say "bossy," do you mean towards humans or the other chickens? And can you comment on the difference between bossiness and aggressiveness? In the past I had one chicken (an easter egger among 12 other easter eggers) who constantly mounted the others, picked at their feathers, etc. I tried everything with her, including solitary confinement for 3 weeks, and nothing worked. All the other hens were stressed and had bare backs. A fox took her eventually (no tears shed here...) and now everyone gets along great. I don't want to go through that again.
Sounds like that one was an Easter Egger cockerel.
Both, actually less of an issue with Wyandottes than Delawares normally. All of them aren't bossy obviously, but my Delaware can be aggressive to other hens pecking, mounting etc. I have a mature rooster to sort her out but without him she'd be trouble. They also grow to be large birds so that does not help. Wyandottes are just more "queen bee".
I'm a fan of Faverolles, Brahmas, Dominiques and Speckled Sussex for both flock peacefulness and weather hardiness those breeds have intergrated with little effort and no drama with my older Easter egger and even the Delaware.:)
When you say "bossy," do you mean towards humans or the other chickens? And can you comment on the difference between bossiness and aggressiveness? In the past I had one chicken (an easter egger among 12 other easter eggers) who constantly mounted the others, picked at their feathers, etc. I tried everything with her, including solitary confinement for 3 weeks, and nothing worked. All the other hens were stressed and had bare backs. A fox took her eventually (no tears shed here...) and now everyone gets along great. I don't want to go through that again.
Ordering one of each breed should be fine. I've found chickens like to hang out with the others they were raised with rather than segregate by breed.

Delawares are the only breed on the list I haven't had at some point. The Wyandottes I had were pretty to look at and definitely were cold hardy. They tended to lay medium sized eggs though and were a little pushy with other hens. Orpingtons are good layers and have been like puppy dogs following people around the yard. Australorps have been good layers. We have one speckled Sussex and she's only been a so-so layer.

Other favorites have been Brahmas, Faverolles and Fav crosses, white Rocks, Cochins (great personalities, poor layers but great broodies if you want one), EEs and black sex links.

Minorcas, brown Leghorns and Austra whites are also favorites despite being exceptionally cold hardy. Outstanding layers with big personalities.

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