Can you make out what sex my splash silkie is


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2016
Hi everyone, I'm new to the silkie chickens but have loved them forever and finally I'm starting a little flock of them. OK only 2 of them for now lol anywho I got them when they were around 4mths old and was told they were both males or roo's as others call them but as they are maturing I'm a little confused with one of them.. I have a grey splash and a white splash silkie. The grey one looks exactly like a fluffy rooster and crows and has also gotten bigger but my white one is much smaller, hasn't had as much of a growth spurt, much fluffier, doesn't crow, has a smaller face and beak and much smaller skin spots on the face.. they both malted a bunch of feathers and have grown heaps of new nicer ones so not sure if this means anything.. also I want to add that my white chick has a different body shape look. If that makes sense.

Both of them together

Different angle

Close up of the white one.

My grey roo

Another close up of the white one
They were still drying off in these pics. Here is a pic with them dried off a lot more

Lol they r so fluffy
Sorry another photo with their size difference.. they are apparently the same age..
Do you think they are of different ages or breeds? Is there a reason why one would be dramatically different to the other?
They are both silkies. The white one may be younger. Sometimes you just get smaller birds. It could possibly be sick, or have something stunting it's growth somehow. Maybe the parents were not in the best health. It could be lots of things. Or it could just be a silkie on the smaller side, and the other might just be on the bigger side...The way the white one is sitting in the second picture makes me think it looks sick. Does it sit like that a lot?
No he was just nasty with me n trying to not let me touch him. I had not long finished bathing them and they were enjoying the heater while I disturbed them and poked at them to try and get photos. He is also extremely fluffy especially in the chest area. They did not come from the best of place I'm assuming as they had feathers on their head had been pecked out and they were a little dirty

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