Can you please tell me what I have.

I know a Turkey lol.
His mom is the same color as he is blue/reddish with tiny strips and his dad is blue and white. all four grandparents were
bourbon red color/pattern

The sire below

This one has the tail colors of a Blue Palm but not enough white on the body to be a Blue Palm.

The mother looks a lot like a Lilac hen.

You may want to contact Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys for his opinion as to what you have.
yes, I thought that too but If you look closely at the rusty slate, they don't have a cream/white tips and the slated sweet grass doesn't have the striping in the feathers. that is why I came here. I am stumped

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yes, I thought that too but If you look closely at the rusty slate, they don't have a cream/white tips and the slated sweet grass doesn't have the striping in the feathers. that is why I came here. I am stumped

My best advice to you is to contact Kevin Porter at Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys. There is a contact button there which will allow you to email him.

That page will also allow you to subscribe to the rare heritage turkey yahoo group.
I was sent a message to take a look at these.
At first glance these reddish birds look similar to my blue red bronze, which are bronze based with a single red and dominate slate gene.But these are a much lighter shade which usually means the presence of a narri gene in them which would lighten up the red. They also should show some black specks in the slate colored areas but I don't see any. They are not light enough to have two copies of slate which would eliminate any black specks . My BRB with two copies of slate are much paler. I will have to post a pic of one.
My guess is something else is going on here. Please take a look and see if you can find any black specks in the blue.

Now the blue colored sire is very strange as well. He appears to be black winged bronzed based. He does sort of look like my Oregon slates but those are bronze based not bwb.
Are his wings a very pale slate color or are they pure white?
And I also don't see any black specks in that tom either. Definitely not a blue palm either.

You are saying you didn't have any slate colored birds to start with?
My guess is you may have stumbled across or had a mutation to the recessive slate gene, thought to be gone in the U.S.

PLEASE tell me you are in the U.S.A. if so I want to get some eggs from these.

Awaiting your reply


Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys
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Yes, I am in SC. A Friend of mine is the breeder of both the sire and dam. she says they came out of Bourbon Red (type).
the younger tom does have a few (looks to be) black tips and one feather. the old tom wings are are both light slate with longer white flight feathers. no black spots can be seen easily but will have to catch to take a closer look.

new pics.

dad mom and son

old tom wing

old tom

young tom feathers

young tom
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Yes, I am in SC. A Friend of mine is the breeder of both the sire and dam. she says they came out of Bourbon Red (type).
the younger tom does have a few (looks to be) black tips and one feather. the old tom wings are are both light slate with longer white flight feathers. no black spots can be seen easily but will have to catch to take a closer look.

I could now see the black edging on the one young tom, that means it isn't recessive slate afterall. darn

Genetically it is not possible for these to have originally came out of a bourbon red breeding as, Red to red can only make red, (with the exception of white gene carrier reds which would make some whites)
There must be something else that bred your friends bourbon red to get these.
What else does your friend raise besides bourbon reds? There's got to be something else there that carries the slate gene.

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