I won't have any eggs until possibly next year, since they're seasonal layers. I have a lot of people on my list for eggs but I can put you on anyway if you're interested. That way if any orders should fall through you could move up.
What makes these “legal”? It seems silly to me. Eggs are not that difficult to get

What makes these “legal”? It seems silly to me. Eggs are not that difficult to get.
You need a permit to own Canada geese because they are federally protected here in the US, under the Migratory Bird Act. It is a federal offence to take eggs or goslings or adults from the wild. To keep them, you need a permit that you can only receive if you purchase the Canada eggs/goslings from a breeder who has a permit to keep them and another to breed/sell them. Each person who buys them, must legally be reported to their states fish and games by the breeder/seller. You should always keep your permits on hand. Some states have additional rules/amendments from what I hear, but these are the basics for every state in the US. There are many animal species and specific breeds of all kinds of animals that can not be kept without a permit. Some of these laws are federal and enforced in every state, some are based on state laws, so there are lots of variations in those state laws. I hope I explained it good enough. Hope this helps.
I won't have any eggs until possibly next year, since they're seasonal layers. I have a lot of people on my list for eggs but I can put you on anyway if you're interested. That way if any orders should fall through you could move up.
Thank you .

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