Canadian Ontario Hatchery?

They seem to pretty much shut sales down through fall and winter until spring. I plan on getting some stuff there next spring to hopefully avoid the bugs that are getting passed around at barn sales and auctions lately.
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Its great to have a source like performance, but I believe their customer service leaves something to be desired...Not to mention the quality can be very poor. Friends ordered slw..none look very silver laced...more spangled. Check out smaller breeders if you want a prticular breed.. Alot of people have good quality stock.

Check the canadian breeders list on here or, also
Im in south eastern Ontario, Somerstown/Cornwall area to be more exact and I am having a hard time finding hatcheries that will deliver or have a better selection other than the regular 4 or 5 breeds, fence depot sells from freys hatcherys and thats about it. they will be having a bird sale on september 15 with many local breedes and it would be a great place to network with some of our local chicken people. if anyone know other hatcheries that would deliver or take orders (well small orders since most places want minimum 25 birds order) please post here so we all can benefit from it. and does anyone know the regulations to bring birds from the united states ?
I will be ordering some day olds in the spring of 2013, the issue is I only want 10 or 12 so is anyone would like to split a 25 (from performance) with me please let me know. I live just north of the GTA in Ontario... I dont care who they are from if you have someone you prefer. I only want a doz or so, however we get them is fine by me as long as they are good quality.

Thanks in advance

I just asked the same question to the person who wrote up shipping information for seramas. Most of my critters are rescues, excepting the chickens, so I am never prepared to pay much even though I would love to have Chanteclers.
I live in southern Quebec and have bought chickens from the local auction in Napierville and a breeder in Saint Chrysostome because the prices were right for my budget. In Mirabel there is a much larger, less expensive hatchery Couvoir Simetin (?), which is north of Montreal but I have never seen their birds.
Any Canadian information, or Quebecoise, would be much appreciated.
Do not buy from freys! When we got our 22 week olds we were dismayed to find that their beaks had practically been butchered! The ends of their beaks were cut off like some sort of factory chicken!they can only eat chicken feed and I hate the suppliers for doing that to them!
So avoid Performance and Freys? is that the general idea around here?
I need some chicks in spring so I'm on an active search for a place that stands up.
Anyone have positive Hatcheries they have dealt with in southern Ontario?

Thanks all
Do not buy from freys! When we got our 22 week olds we were dismayed to find that their beaks had practically been butchered! The ends of their beaks were cut off like some sort of factory chicken!they can only eat chicken feed and I hate the suppliers for doing that to them!

If you want a 20+ week old hen that hasn't been beak-trimmed avoid any sellers raising large quantities (i.e. all hatcheries), they are forced to use beak-trimming to keep the birds safe from each other. I've seen what happens when they don't beak trim enough and it ain't pretty (except for the ones at the top of the pecking order of course).

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