Canadians check in here....

Hi there! I just joined the group - I'm from Chase, BC
I'm looking forward to having chickens in the spring - we are in the process of planning the coop and the flock! - so much fun! It would be great to have an idea of do's and don'ts from fellow BC'ers that face our interior weather changes. So hot in the summer and pretty cold in the winter, plus snow load....

We are planning a flock of about 14, with an 8x10 coop and a 10x20 run. Going to roof the run so the snow will keep out. I'm curious if anyone knows if that size run will keep the breeds happy that like to free range - we would love a few Brabanter's - but free ranging is just not an option...too many predators where we are...

Thanks all!
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GNRMorgans!! Sorry I can help with your coop questions for your area. There are a few BC members here that may be able to answer your questions.

Thanks Flat Rock! But perhaps you know something of the Brabanters? I see you have them! son is so keen on a chicken with a mohawk!...will they do ok with a large run over free range?
Yes they should be fine in a free range run but if the run is an open air run the risk of predators is from above. They are not like the Polish where their head gear hinders their sight and they have small combs so no risk of frostbite. They are very cool birds and can be flighty but mine have calmed down since maturing.
Looks like I may not get to have my chickens after all :( I have been looking more closely into zoning for my area and in my ward...chickens are not allowed. It makes zero sense to me because although I live in a residential area, it is three blocks from land zoned agricultural, and in the CITY of Brantford, you can have unlimited hens AND roosters. I called my ward councillor to see if anything can be done bit it doesn't look good :(
Looks like I may not get to have my chickens after all
I have been looking more closely into zoning for my area and in my ward...chickens are not allowed. It makes zero sense to me because although I live in a residential area, it is three blocks from land zoned agricultural, and in the CITY of Brantford, you can have unlimited hens AND roosters. I called my ward councillor to see if anything can be done bit it doesn't look good
Awww...I'm sorry to hear!...That stinks! :(

Any chance of fudging if you are on good sides of your neighbours?...perhaps they might be willing to turn a blind eye. Sometimes begging forgiveness rather than asking permission is the way to go. Of course, you don't want to put your potential flock at risk... Just stinks!
Looks like I may not get to have my chickens after all
I have been looking more closely into zoning for my area and in my ward...chickens are not allowed. It makes zero sense to me because although I live in a residential area, it is three blocks from land zoned agricultural, and in the CITY of Brantford, you can have unlimited hens AND roosters. I called my ward councillor to see if anything can be done bit it doesn't look good
That is too bad Lindsay. GNRMorgans is right maybe if you have some good neighbors it may not be an issue. I know my father-in-law had them when he was alive living in Cambridge, had a couple ducks and rabbits (not supposed to) but the neighbors where fine and he kept them clean (no smell) and all was good???
Well, that is what I am hoping for...good neighbours. I spoke to one of them weeks ago about it and they were all for it so that is a plus. I will talk to the other two as soon as I can. I live in a village in an agricultural area so I hope they are understanding.
I spoke just now to a bylaw officer and he confirmed everything for me. He said they are only really concerned about large numbers of chickens in residential areas and that they don't actively seek out folks keeping back yard flocks. I am only looking to keep a max of four birds so I am hoping it all works out. I am debating trying to go to a few meetings to learn how to change the bylaw. In the closest city, there is no limit to gender or number of birds so long as you are a member of the Brant poultry and pet stock association. Makes no sense to me !
Well sounds like to me that if you can get the other neighbors to be fine with it, and the bylaws officer says they don't look at small flocks, that it would be a GO! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! Let us know how it all turns out!

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