Canadians check in here....

Finally, a thaw on PEI, and with a couple of feet of snow melted, the chickens can enjoy the freedom of the great outdoors!


Four of them found their way to the woodshed, and really wanted to stay there.


Do we really have to leave?

It's too slippery on this ice!

Does she really expect us to walk through this snow?



Slip sliding all the way!

Back safe and sound in our pen. There's no place like home.


Enjoying this break in the cold weather, before winter returns again. Hard to believe that winter has just started. Long time before the warm weather really comes.

Bye for now.
PEI Chicken
Hey all!
So nice to see that this is such a nice, active group! Pleased to say that I am finding a lot of great info and support here. A member who lives very close to me has been invaluable in getting my bylaw situation sorted out and connecting me with our local poultry club-yayyy!

So....getting super excited now. Can we talk fave breeds? Who would know better what birds can tolerate our climate better than the folks here?! I am only planning on four birds max to start with, I have young children and obviously want good layers that are friendly and sweet. I have been thinking about BR's, Orpington, Wyandotte and a few others. Thoughts??
Hey all!
So nice to see that this is such a nice, active group! Pleased to say that I am finding a lot of great info and support here. A member who lives very close to me has been invaluable in getting my bylaw situation sorted out and connecting me with our local poultry club-yayyy!

So....getting super excited now. Can we talk fave breeds? Who would know better what birds can tolerate our climate better than the folks here?! I am only planning on four birds max to start with, I have young children and obviously want good layers that are friendly and sweet. I have been thinking about BR's, Orpington, Wyandotte and a few others. Thoughts??
Hi and Welcome

I am new to this chicken thing and love this site!!! Everyone has been great. We have 4 Barred Rock and 4 Rhode Island Red. We live in Flamborough. My Barred Rock are much more outgoing and bossy. Not hard to tell who rules the roost. My Rhode Island Red are very loveable and shy. They wait their turn at the feeders and cuddle when they get the chance. For kids they would be my choice although I love them all. They have all weathered very well and they all lay brown eggs.
Hey all!
So nice to see that this is such a nice, active group! Pleased to say that I am finding a lot of great info and support here. A member who lives very close to me has been invaluable in getting my bylaw situation sorted out and connecting me with our local poultry club-yayyy!

So....getting super excited now. Can we talk fave breeds? Who would know better what birds can tolerate our climate better than the folks here?! I am only planning on four birds max to start with, I have young children and obviously want good layers that are friendly and sweet. I have been thinking about BR's, Orpington, Wyandotte and a few others. Thoughts??
Well then I have the perfect birds for you. Euskal Oilas or Basque Hens from Spain. They are my all time fav. curious, friendly, and great layers. I have 4 hens when you are ready or would like to come over and have a look

Am just down the road from you!!


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