Canadians check in here....

Ok, perfect! Does not sound too complicated. Where do you get stress aid? From settlers? I usually use Quick Feeds, but maybe Settlers has more chicken stuff. Quicks is horse heaven, but not so much for poultry.

Any brand preferences? For my horse I am a master feeds fan, but not too sure for chicks...I guess I should ask of there is particular brand to avoid? Sorry for all of the questions! I was at the store today and ended up with more questions than answers.
Oh and I forgot to add I give them scratch grain at around 16 weeks and keep that mixed in with the layer as adults. Settler's has horse stuff as well but they carry most of the chicken medications, if not Farmers Farmacy and division of Grand Valley Fortifiers in Cambridge carries the rest.
ISA4drew, it's only necessary to be a member if you love in the city of Brantford. It's a stipulation of the bylaw. If you live on a property zoned agricultural you don't have to worry. Of you are interested, we are a fun group to be involved with! We are planning the challenge show right now and working on some other wactivities for members. Nice group ofeople.

Could I get some more info on becoming a member?
Yes we are in the city and are going to be raising them for eggs.
Hi, I'm in the middle of Saskatchewan and today it finally feels like spring and my critters are loving it !!

Welcome, birds n bunnies! We live 1/2 hour north of Saskatoon. We're cheering on the spring weather too - it's just taking a bit longer than I'd like! What kind of chickens do you have? I bought a mix of Heritage breeds last spring and have 8 hens and a rooster. (buff Orpington, buff Brahma, Standard Chocin, Easter Egger, Danish Brown leghorns.) They are enjoying spending their days outside now. I wouldn't mind getting a few more. I had a hen sitting on eggs, but she abandoned them after 16 days. It was her first time at it.
new member from New Brunswick here!
Could I get some more info on becoming a member?
Yes we are in the city and are going to be raising them for eggs.
lol no your not..They are RIR show birds and what eggs? The city will make you get rid of them if they hear that..Stupid bylaw but its true
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