Canadians check in here....

Great to hear the leaves are turning in Guelph/Puslinch! They are turning here too, just starting. By the way, one of my flock is a Chantecler - had to have a proper Canadian chicken in my flock!

I did my Masters at the U of Guelph and then worked in Waterloo for a few years after that. What a great area to live - I loved it there.
Hey I dont even have a Chantecler ! But I have heard there is a breeder on the Elora road where they breed Curly horses !...I should get one eh? hahaha!!! My siblings have gone to the U of G ....and one of them worked at the brass taps/bull ring.... .... Have a great day !
Tell me about it. In no particular order.....

1.) Chocolate - down here its "waxy"
2.) Universal health care
3.) Color coded $
4.) Old Dutch potato chips especially Salt & Vinegar.....oh, & Ketchup
5.) Molson Canadian beer commercials (I know they have been sold)
7.) Being able to leave my door unlocked
8.) Clean Air - SLC, UT some days you can cut it with a knife
9.) My Rockies - the mountains down here aren't as "rugged"
10.) Of course - family.

I am so with you. Here's my top 10 of what I miss from Canada, also no particular order...

10. Chocolate (indeed, the waxy stuff is awful), I especially miss wunderbar
9. HP sauce
8. Hickory sticks
7. METRIC (YES!!!) I particularly despise Fahrenheit...
6. People who know the rest of the world exists
5. President's Choice Food items (lots of 'em!)
4. Being able to mention a city name and not have people tilt their head and say "What state is that in?"
3. Kraft Dinner! Here the cheese sauce part tastes wimpy.
2. Canadian flags flying
1. My family

And the number one thing I don't miss....

1. No Saturday mail delivery! I really love that here! Can you imagine telling Canada Post they have to start Saturday delivery! Oh, the mutiny!
:)Hello all, I'm from the South shore of Nova Scotia.

We have had chickens for about 1 year now, still pretty new at it.
We have 15 year old chickens and 10 new this spring. All laying hens.
Hello all, I'm from the South shore of Nova Scotia.

We have had chickens for about 1 year now, still pretty new at it.
We have 15 year old chickens and 10
this spring. All laying hens.
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Happy Thanksgiving from Eastern Ontario.

We had our turkey dinner yesterday and I just got back from taking my Mom and Aunt to the train. I hadn't seen my Mom in 2 years and my Aunt since 1991. It was a wonderful weekend and I'm going to sit down to pumpkin pie for breakfast and have a bit of a nap. My aunt thinks I'm nuts for wanting chickens but then she just retired (age 82) from the farm and had chickens all her life.

I'm hoping everyone has as good a weekend as I've had.
Hi. This is my first post, although I've been lurking for about a month. Hope I post this correctly. I'm from BEAUTIFUL Nova Scotia and I have 6 Silkies but am planning to get more Silkies and am thinking about Buff Orpingtons and who knows what else. I've learned a LOT from this forum already.

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