Canadians check in here....

Hello! First time here :) I am in North Gower ON which is just outside Ottawa. I just moved here last week from the big city and am eager to start a flock and homestead. I sadly seem to be late in the season to get the breeds of chicks I would like. If anyone has any inside scoops I would live to hear them!
Hello! First time here :) I am in North Gower ON which is just outside Ottawa. I just moved here last week from the big city and am eager to start a flock and homestead. I sadly seem to be late in the season to get the breeds of chicks I would like. If anyone has any inside scoops I would live to hear them!

Welcome aboard!! I'm very new too! So new I don't even have my flock yet. They arrive on the 19th!! this is a great place to be if you have questions, want opinions and the site is loaded with info.


Hello from Edmonton! Will be pocking brains about coops to handle the winters and what hens do best and what ones do not do so well. Thinking 6 hens, 3 different types, 2 of each type.
Hello from Edmonton! Will be pocking brains about coops to handle the winters and what hens do best and what ones do not do so well. Thinking 6 hens, 3 different types, 2 of each type.

Welcome Aboard!!!

You do have cold long winters out there and we get some doozies here too (Ontario).

I'm very interested to see what comments are made for keeping our flocks warm in the bitterness of cold. My new flock is arriving next week - I'm a newbie chicken owner too. i just know moisture (depending on your litter choices etc) can be a problem and lack of ventilation.

I'll be using the deep litter method ... Hopefully that works in my benefit.

Good luck and enjoy the hens. I can't suggest from experience, but I chose Plymouth Rocks because they are known for handling colder climates. So I've read.


Hello from Edmonton! Will be pocking brains about coops to handle the winters and what hens do best and what ones do not do so well. Thinking 6 hens, 3 different types, 2 of each type.

Welcome from Princeton BC.
Hello, Harmony Ontario here. I am new to BYC but this is my third year with the chooks. I have a very small flock, 3 hens, just for us to have fresh eggs. I just read an amazing tip about boiling fresh eggs. If you add 1/3 cup salt to the water they peel like a dream! I just tried it this morning and schzzamm easy peasy, wish I knew this years ago! Thank you to the kind person who posted this tip.
OK question for us canadian Winter chicken keepers. How do you have your nesting boxes? Inside or out? Going to be planning the coop here and want to have as little frozen eggs as I can.
OK question for us canadian Winter chicken keepers. How do you have your nesting boxes? Inside or out? Going to be planning the coop here and want to have as little frozen eggs as I can.

Absolutely have your laying box inside. Most chickens will naturally lay inside the coop anyways.
As for the cold, in Ontario here our friends stick to keeping them inside the coop 24/7. Especially on cold months. I.e Jan,Feb.
As for preventing frozen eggs..good luck!! If your hens are layers and don't want to naturally sit on the eggs (Red Sex Link) it's hard not to have frozen ones. Ours just squat and pop an egg out and walk away. And they all seem to lay in just one or two boxes. (We have 14) I'd definitely insulate your coop and get a warning lamp for winter! I think both are necessities!
Good luck. And let me know how it goes! We just built our coop last month.
Yes, our Red Sex lay their eggs in a nest they have made on the floor of the coop. Even though they have nesting boxes which they used last summer. We keep our 3 hens indoors all winter, if the temp goes below 10 degrees we turn on higher wattage bulbs. Their water bowl is heated as well. We do get frozen eggs from time to time if I can't get to them early in the day. Snow you know. Ugh!
Good luck with your preparations.

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