Canadians check in here....

Hey Everyone! I am in between Kingston and Ottawa Ontario. I ordered my chicks to arrive May 13, but unfortunately, I waited too long. They are now due to arrive at our local feed store May 27. The good news is my husband had time to work on the coop, so we will be fully prepared before they even arrive. I grew up in cities (my father was in the air force), and now live in the country. This is so new to me, but I am looking forward to it. I am glad to have a network to look to for researching, and asking questions!

I wonder if anyone can help. I'm looking for a good healthy friendly Barred Plymouth Rock rooster. The younger the better (5-6 weeks and up).

I live in Lowbanks, Ontario and would prefer not to drive too far. Is that being picky? Lol.

I'm also trying to find pure marans - dark chocolate egg layers.

Is there a site for breeders or swaps/sales? Although I'm not looking to swap.

Thanks so much!!!

Hey Everyone!  I am in between Kingston and Ottawa Ontario.  I ordered my chicks to arrive May 13, but unfortunately, I waited too long.  They are now due to arrive at our local feed store May 27.  The good news is my husband had time to work on the coop, so we will be fully prepared before they even arrive.  I grew up in cities (my father was in the air force), and now live in the country.  This is so new to me, but I am looking forward to it.  I am glad to have a network to look to for researching, and asking questions!

How are you doing with the chicks? I got all of mine a week or two before yours were scheduled. I chose older -2 week olds and 5 week olds. Hopefully you're enjoying them!

Hello All from Harmony Ontario. My 3 hens have taken to having a lovely roll around in my flower bed. Help! Any suggestions to keep them out?

My hens all do the same. Thankfully they leave the veggie garden alone. So far. I just don't worry about the gardens, this year I hung flowering plants instead. Most of my gardens have 'ground' cover so it helps with keeping bugs and ai think the hens know this instinctively. Maybe out up chicken fence until they learn they can't get in and choose somewhere else? Not the prettiest fence to have your gardens wrapped in, but might do the trick.

Good luck!
There are sprinklers that are motion activated. They are at Home Hardware. $85. My problem is that great for the chickens but the ducks love the sprinkler.
Anyone know how to keep ducks off the cement driveway? They make such a mess!
Thanks so much for asking!! I can certainly understand how they are addictive. They are 2 weeks old now, are starting to get feathers and have grown so much! I spend a lot of time with them, and I am terrified to put them outside when the time comes. My husband has built a wonderful coop, but I will still worry. I ordered extra in case some died, but they are all still here, and am happy and healthy. How are yours doing? Are you a first time oener as well?
Thanks so much for asking!! I can certainly understand how they are addictive. They are 2 weeks old now, are starting to get feathers and have grown so much! I spend a lot of time with them, and I am terrified to put them outside when the time comes. My husband has built a wonderful coop, but I will still worry. I ordered extra in case some died, but they are all still here, and am happy and healthy. How are yours doing? Are you a first time oener as well?

Awww!! I'm so glad they're all doing well. It makes us feel like good flock mommies! Lol. How many do you have? What are your long term goals with them? I have some 'intentions' but I'm also aware being a newbie that it could send me in a different direction. Either way, it's exciting and so far I love it!!

I am a first timer. I've wanted to keep chickens and ducks for a long time, I just had to make sure all my ducks were in a row. Haha a!

I got 2 age batches in May. 10 day olds (dual purpoe slow growth) and 5 week olds (Plymouth Rocks). All have been outside in the coop from day one. I had a divider in the coop to keep the babies secure and they had a heat lamp. I left the coop door open for the 5 week olds but it took them almost a week to venture outside. Then I kept them secure in the run for about 3 days. The second day I was letting the babies out they all got mixed and knocked the fence down and I said screw it, put the fence away and let them figure it out. They've all been free ranging together for about 9 or so days. I was still keeping them seperate in the coop at night. Three nights ago I took the barrier down and hoped for the best. The next morning both ages were mixed on the roosts and everyone is happy. They still have their squabbles but so far no need for intervention ... They work it out.

The youngest are almost 6 week olds and the older ones are almost 9 weeks old. Such a size difference, but so far it seems to just work.

I gave them probiotics and ACV for the first two weeks they were home. No medicated feed; Goes against my personal 'policy' ... Unless they got sick of course. Now I give ACV and probiotics twice a week for 'maintenance'. I'm a believer that free ranging is the best for them. They're instincts are to forage scratch and look for yummy bugs. Keeping them cooped up (literally) isn't a road I wanted to take. I can't beleive how much less they consume of feed when out on our property. We have 23 acres, most of it treed and lush, and they can't wait to get out every day.

I'm hoping next spring my girls go broody and they will raise the chicks and do all the hard work. If rather not add to my flock via the hatchery, but will if needed. I'm reading an amazing book right now from the library on up the backyard flock. It's such a good book that I ordered it from to add to my library.

I have 10 ducklings arriving on Tuesday. I'm so flipping excited!! I'm literally counting my sleeps till they arrive. It's 5 sleeps in case you're wondering

Sometimes I think we coddle or intervene too much with our own insecurities and perhaps slow down their natural development. I wanted mine living the free range life pronto, being exposed, building immunities and doing what comes natural to them.

Either I have beginners luck or I did something right because it feels like harmony every day. Feels natural to haven chickens a part of our life.

Oops!!! Did I ramble or what??
Not sure if this is the right spot for me........but for the heck of it, I'm checking in for Nova Scotia:) brand new chicken mom, with a lot to learn about my ready to lay hens (6).

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