Canadians check in here....

Sounds like you are doing everything right! Congrats on your ducks! I was counting the sleeps until my chicks arrived, so I completely understand. I only wanted 4 - 6 hens, but everyone said order extra, some will die. Now I have 9. I have given ACV from day one, and I did give them medicated feed. You are lucky to be able to free range your chickens, I wish I could do that here. I do plan to let them out, but only when I can be with them the whole time. We have way too many predators here. In fact, our neighbour has a bear tearing down her electric fence every night trying to get to her cattle. I completely agree with you that we probably intervene too much. I am treating them like they are babies, lol.
Good luck with your ducklings!!!
Not sure if this is the right spot for me........but for the heck of it, I'm checking in for Nova Scotia:) brand new chicken mom, with a lot to learn about my ready to lay hens (6).
Hi there, I am a new chicken owner as well, but I have 2 week old chicks. I live in Ontario, but my parents are nearby you, in New Brunswick. Good Luck!!
Sounds like you are doing everything right!  Congrats on your ducks!  I was counting the sleeps until my chicks arrived, so I completely understand.  I only wanted 4 - 6 hens, but everyone said order extra, some will die.  Now I have 9.  I have given ACV from day one, and I did give them medicated feed.  You are lucky to be able to free range your chickens, I wish I could do that here.  I do plan to let them out, but only when I can be with them the whole time.  We have way too many predators here.  In fact, our neighbour has a bear tearing down her electric fence every night trying to get to her cattle.  I completely agree with you that we probably intervene too much.  I am treating them like they are babies, lol. 
Good luck with your ducklings!!!

That's a serious predator issue. WOW! I'm so thankful that's not our list of predators.

I originally ordered 5 and said I'll see how it goes. Than I managed to get a whole load of research done and felt more confident. I upped my order. I have 16 pullets and one cockerel. He's the sweetest little dude so far. My little Fonzie! I hope he stays that way. Or else ... Chicken soup for dinner!!!

Thanks for the well wishes with the ducklings. I'm not feeling as prepared as I was for the chicks but I'm more confident in my abilities after a hole month of chickens ... Haha!
AND BYC is always a google click away :)

I'm sure you'll love to see them forging in your gardens while you work in them or just sit and enjoy them. It's so cool to watch their instincts take over ... I really enjoy watching them and their personalities :)
Sounds like you are doing everything right!  Congrats on your ducks!  I was counting the sleeps until my chicks arrived, so I completely understand.  I only wanted 4 - 6 hens, but everyone said order extra, some will die.  Now I have 9.  I have given ACV from day one, and I did give them medicated feed.  You are lucky to be able to free range your chickens, I wish I could do that here.  I do plan to let them out, but only when I can be with them the whole time.  We have way too many predators here.  In fact, our neighbour has a bear tearing down her electric fence every night trying to get to her cattle.  I completely agree with you that we probably intervene too much.  I am treating them like they are babies, lol. 
Good luck with your ducklings!!!

Where are you from? I haven't heard of any of the cattle farmers around here having bears as an issue with their herds. The bears will get into their grain though, they love oats. I had a bear get into our compost several times this spring, but she didn't touch the rabbit in the cage 50m away, or the goats.
The local bee farmers have bear issues. What they do, is if a bear has gone through their electric fence, they repair the fence, then take raw bacon and tightly wrap it around the electric wire in a couple places. When the bear shows up, the either smell the bacon or try and bite it and get zapped in the mouth. It really hurts, but does no permanent damage. The bee keepers swear the bear doesn't come back again. Maybe have your Neighbor try that.
Where are you from? I haven't heard of any of the cattle farmers around here having bears as an issue with their herds. The bears will get into their grain though, they love oats. I had a bear get into our compost several times this spring, but she didn't touch the rabbit in the cage 50m away, or the goats.
The local bee farmers have bear issues. What they do, is if a bear has gone through their electric fence, they repair the fence, then take raw bacon and tightly wrap it around the electric wire in a couple places. When the bear shows up, the either smell the bacon or try and bite it and get zapped in the mouth. It really hurts, but does no permanent damage. The bee keepers swear the bear doesn't come back again. Maybe have your Neighbor try that.
We live in between Ottawa and Kingston. I don't know that she has ever lost a cow, but that is a great tip. I will let her know, thanks!!!!
Anyone here ever check out Poultry Swap Ontario? I really like it as I can connect with local people. if you come over and check us out you wont be disappointed!

Hello everyone!

Haven't been on the forum for a bit, so catching up!
My hubby and I winter in Florida and have a place there....I miss my four ladies when we have to come back to Canada, but a friend with a farm and many chickens takes them in while we are gone and spoils them all:) We are currently in Toronto, but just bought a house in Niagara Falls, ON! Our summer home now:)

SUPER excited because chickens are legal there and we have a big backyard. Just curious if anyone else here is in the area:)


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