Candling Eggs???

Willow's Meadow

9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
So one of my Buff Orpington hens went broody for the first time yesterday. She is sitting on 6 eggs now. I want to candle the eggs to see if their fertile or not.....but I've never candled eggs before. Can I just use a flashlight??? We have LED flashlights too. Since they have only been fertile for two days (if they are fertile) what should I look for???
LED's friend, but wait at least 4 to 5 days to do so if a light-shelled egg
good luck!
You should be looking for cloudiness, mass and/or veins in the egg. You should candle around
day 7 for light colored eggs, and day 10-12 for dark colored eggs, in order to see well inside.

Heres a picture of one of my very nice looking eggs after incubating for 7 days ~

Notice the veins spidering out.

Happy Hatching!

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