candling/hatching question

A heat lamp would be great, but be careful about how close it is to those shavings, don't want to start a fire of course. Do you have a thermometer you can put down next to the eggs to monitor the temperature? They should be kept right around 100 F if at all possible. You don't want them to get too hot, that is more dangerous than too cold. And this is just until you can fashion some kind of incubator that can also have some humidity as well. Humidity is very important for duck eggs! ;)

I'm really not experienced incubating eggs without a real incubator or a hen, so I don't have much more advice on how to build an incubator yourself. I know there are threads around this board on it, though. I've heard of people using coolers and adding bowls of water for humidity.
I tried using the digital thermometer I use on my kids and it wouldn't work. I'm heading out in a bit to get my son from school and then heading to the closest big town to get an incubator of I can find one and if not, then I'll get the stuff you make one. (I Googled it) lol! Think the eggs will be ok till I get back?

This is the best I could do for now!
To check the temperature take the reading along the top of the eggs; not the bottom. Be careful-a few degrees to high and the embryo will die-better a bit cool.
To check the temperature take the reading along the top of the eggs; not the bottom. Be careful-a few degrees to high and the embryo will die-better a bit cool.
Any thermometer is better than none. Go a bit cooler until you get an accurate reading. Again- it is important that the eggs not get too warm. Ducklings can get away from heat-eggs can't.
I agree with the others.

And those eggs are not very far along. How long did you think your girl had been sitting? Looks to me like close to day 10 or so.
I adjusted the lamp to be a decent distance from the eggs so they wouldn't overheat. I don't have a thermometer that will take the temp. I'm heading to the next town over to find everything I need as soon as I pick my son up from school. Today would have been day 15 I think.
Oh cool!! Hello fellow Louisianan! Lol I'm from the small town of Oak Grove!
Ok so...I got my makeshift incubator together and I'm trying to get everything regulated! I decided before I went any further to candle the eggs. Well much to my surprise when I candled them I saw MOVEMENT IN ALL 4 EGGS!!! EEEEKKKK!!! I thought for sure that they would be gone by now! But they are fighters!! I'm so excited...if you cant already tell!! Haha I have the eggs in there and I am checking on them every 30 mins or so thru the peep box on top!

P.S. In one of the eggs, I thought I saw 2 dancing around in it..I know that's possible with double yolks, but this egg is the same size as the rest..any thoughts??

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