Canning Pork


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Yorkshire, Ohio
We recently butchered a few hogs and my DW is going to can it. The process we have used before for deer and beef is to place the uncooked, cubed meat in cold jars w/ no water, leaving 1" of head space, and process for 90 min @ 11 lbs. After checking the net to see if pork uses the same method, she found quite a few different suggestions, including cooking the meat first, adding liquid, hot jars, ect.
Will somebody please confirm that the first method I described will be okay. Or, is that not correct?
Your first method..raw pack- is the way I have canned my pork for years...
I have never canned pork but have canned chicken using the raw pack method and it worked fine. The problem when you look it up is that the gov. changed the recommedation last year and don't recommend any meat be canned by cold pack method. I am for using the method that works best for me.
When I canned my pork some I browned a bit in lard and then packed and filled jars with boiling water/broth; other times I have done it cold pack, but I usually add boiling liquid and a tsp of salt to each jar. When I open it I brown some onions and a garlic clove in a tbsp. of oil; dump in the pork and liquid, bring to a boil, then turn down, simmer for 15 minutes, taste, adjust seasonings then mix some milk/flour in a jar, shake, pour in pan....instant gravy!!!!! Delicious!!

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