Can't find this worm anywhere, but It's in multiple nasal openings

I only treated the 2 I'd brought inside right now. I wanted to be sure it would be safe.
Both responded quit well to this and pops started looking normal fairly quickly.

There is a however...

Miss Gobble Gut, whom I was sure would be gone by now, & by all means should be, is a perky lively hen with not a strip of meat on her bones. If she'd just show some sign of giving up or any thing to tell me to have my husband end her suffering I'd do it quickly.
She doesn't. I know she knows or feels not right as her tail status down all the time these days, however, she follows me from 7am til I kennel her after she's retired to her towel on the he back of the sofa every night.

The vets "theorizes" she's in early stages of heart failure her ascetes fluid says no staff infection but, it's filing with more and more frequency and it's color is of kidney failure yet sure chases me from room to room in the evening and she watches my every move in the yard and never misses me bending over as she knows I always Fing the good stuff and she can't eat enough but with every bite she takes, the less she weighs.

I'm trying to locate a alternative for the Lasix the vet mentioned but after tonight...
I'm too heartbroken to think I can do this again

See... With Miss Gobble Guts, I've known she's going to die, every day she's still her amazes me and makes me smile and yes, allows her to get away with much more than the others, (ie, begging for treats and coming inside and perching on the back of my sofa on her towel...)
But, her sister... 'Lil Miss", she was brought in months ago, some of my hens I'm ashamed to say can be so cruel to a sweet one like her.

They pushed her til she was starting to starve. I found her in time and she moved inside in 1of our sick kennels. For months, the grew stronger, more confident...
She finally got over her fear of Miss Gobble Gut just a week ago and she finally wasn't alone any more.

Tonight like usual, they walked through the the front door as usual.
I gave then their snack, tonight it was dried meal worms diced red grapes and diced apple.

Both are up and when they realized, it was gone, Lil Miss hopped to her side of the white towel on the back of her couch and as usual, Miss Gobble Gut followed.
As we do every night, we all settled down for a bit of television and when she turned her back on the TV, I picked her up to go to bed and just before her bed, she made a strange hearing twitch, I stopped to see what was wrong and this loud crackling gasping started. With each braeth it got worse and although she was able to shake some sort of super thick drops of something like mucus, less than 10 horrable, awful heartbreaking minutes later she lay limp and lifeless in my arms as I was helpless to her her. Not even with me trying to clear her breathing and even tried to help her breath, she gasped and crackled and started flailing around she died.

For no reason, this sweet, timid beautiful Lil Lady was healthy and happy and just suffocated for no reason in my arms without warning within a matter of minutes.

Yet, Miss Gobble Gut, who should have gone to rest by now... Got her abdomen drained and is fast asleep on nothing but her bones.

These last 2years have been trying for someone who seems to find those in need yet, this time, the ones in need are so heartbreakingly beyond what I can do. It's just too much
Because Miss Gobble Guts poops and nasal openings did clear so well, I will begin treatment on the rest of her flock. Just going to take a few days right now.
Gotta focus on the 1 right now.

Will get all their doses measured up and get em 1st a time hopefully we'd evening.
Thank you for asking though.
sorry to hear about little lady

and good luck with gobble gut and the rest of the flock
I'm sorry. I'd had a bad night when I replied. Should have waited til morning.
Thank you for your concern.

Also, Lil Miss's throat was filled with thich heavy mucus.
We had been suspecting Asperaligus for some time with several of the other
Hens in the last 2 years.

Although she hadn't shown any real respirary illness previously, pretty sure that's what it was that took her
As her choking and flinging mucus droplets is an exact description of her final moments.

Not sure if your familiar with the neighboring situation of filth and manour up behind and next to our original hen house.
It's the reason we've been trying to buy a new farm that has no direct neighbor's
But, this neighbor had purchased so many chicks and let them starve and sit in their rot before I stepped in and so
That night, there was ALOT of anger emotion.

Just a bad situation were trying to get away from
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Wow, I am so sorry, I have never encountered such a thing! I am sure this is difficult on you.
I was reading on a topic months back about something similar, and there is research as not to cause some form of histeriacal panic.....keep an open mind and read this article about this worm.

Just for consideration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote: Wow, thank you Kathy @casportpony for bringing this to my attention! I had heard that eye worms were quite rare and of course never thought they could infect wild Bobwhites.These eye worms sure are doing damage to the population of Bobs in Texas! Fortunately we don't have any Bobwhites in our state of New Mexico, although we do have wild Montezuma, Gambels and Blue Scale Quail. Hopefully they aren't infected with this eye worm. My quail are kept in strict bio security areas and don't have any access to wild birds or any poultry. So I am not too concerned. But thank you for the heads up!! :)

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