Caravan - Open Fantasy RP - Jump right in!

Linden was sitting on the floor of the pit about a third of the way around the circle which made up the pit. The moment Algar's light lit up the dark environment, he groaned and threw up his arm to shield his and Mavis' eyes from the harsh light. After being in the pit for several hours, his eyes had adjusted to the darkness and felt burned by the light. "Why don't you tell me?" He growled angrily, but with a carefully guarded and restrained tone. He didn't know which of the bandits had harmed Mavis, and he didn't know that Karin and Tianea had gone rogue for awhile, so he assumed that being the new leader, Algar knew exactly what had happened and was just playing stupid. At the same time, Mavis desperately needed medical attention and he knew he needed he set aside his personal feelings to make that happen.

"Look," he tried to speak calmly and without accusation. "I don't know what it is that you people do up there, or how you can justify beating a kid... but right now I am asking you as a fellow person, begging you as a fellow person to help Mavis. He needs medical attention, or he won't live to see another day in this pit. Please." After he finished speaking, he lifted his arm slightly and squinted into the torch light to look Algar in the eyes.

The bandit looked visibly torn. What would Rorik have done? The previous leader was known to be ruthless. He might have reasoned that if the boy was not strong enough to survive a night in the pit, then he wasn't strong enough to join their group. But to heck with it, if the others thought him weak for taking pity on the boy, then so be it.

Algar nodded. "I'll return," he said and retreated quickly, taking the light with him.

"How we gonna get 'im?" Merek's voice echoed down the cavern hallway as the flicker of torchlight returned about 10 minutes later.

"The guard will have to pass the kid up," Algar's voice answered as the footsteps came closer. A moment later he was at the edge of the pit and dropped a small, but sturdy crate down. "If you stand on that, can you reach pass the kid up to me?" he asked, looking down at Linden, getting on his knees at the pit edge so that he could reach down.
"So he lives then!" Terrick exclaimed, relief washing over him before the rest of her statement really sunk in. He did not relish the idea of wading into the bandit's home turf, but neither would he abandon the child to a life of hardship with the bandits.

"We would be in your debt, fair lady," Terrick said to Raven. "Tell us, did you see much of their camp?"
Raven shook her head "They have chosen a cave system as their camp." She paused a moment then said "One of your men is also a prisoner of these bandits."
Raven shook her head "They have chosen a cave system as their camp." She paused a moment then said "One of your men is also a prisoner of these bandits."

"Linden lives too, then," Terrick felt his hopes rise, but tempered by the news that the bandits had taken up residence in a cave. "A cave is a good place to get trapped," Terrick said thoughtfully. "A mission not to be taken lightly. How do you think to go about the rescue?" he asked the elf.
"Linden lives too, then," Terrick felt his hopes rise, but tempered by the news that the bandits had taken up residence in a cave. "A cave is a good place to get trapped," Terrick said thoughtfully. "A mission not to be taken lightly. How do you think to go about the rescue?" he asked the elf.
Raven leaned her back on a tree, thinking "Night or early morning, quiet, in and out raid. Just to grab the two." She looked around the group of men "No fighting unless it becomes necessary"
The bandit looked visibly torn.  What would Rorik have done?  The previous leader was known to be ruthless.  He might have reasoned that if the boy was not strong enough to survive a night in the pit, then he wasn't strong enough to join their group. But to heck with it, if the others thought him weak for taking pity on the boy, then so be it.  

Algar nodded.  "I'll return," he said and retreated quickly, taking the light with him. 

"How we gonna get 'im?" Merek's voice echoed down the cavern hallway as the flicker of torchlight returned about 10 minutes later.  

"The guard will have to pass the kid up," Algar's voice answered as the footsteps came closer.  A moment later he was at the edge of the pit and dropped a small, but sturdy crate down.  "If you stand on that, can you reach pass the kid up to me?" he asked, looking down at Linden, getting on his knees at the pit edge so that he could reach down. 

By the time Merek and Algar returned 10 minutes later, Linden had shuffled to his feet and was waiting with Mavis cradled in both arms. "Sure, I think so."He gave the crate a firm kick to test out its strength and knock it into the right position, then proceeded to cautiously place one foot at a time on top in case it broke under their combined weight. As he stepped up he let go of Mavis with one arm and shifted the boy to the other so that he had a free hand to balance himself with against the wall. Carrying Mavis and trying to step onto the small crate in the dim light was challenging, and he didn't want to accidently slip and drop his friend.

Once he was standing on top of the crate and had steadied himself, he hesitated in lifting his precious cargo up to the bandits. After all, they were the ones who had injured him in the first place... right? Instead of lifting Mavis up all the way, he grabbed ahold of Algar's arm which was partly lowered into the pit, waiting to grab Mavis, and jerked it forward. Not enough to drag him into the pit headfirst, of course, but to give a similar feeling to someone grabbing you on the edge of a cliff and saying 'saved your life'. "I'm coming with him." He said firmly, staring directly into Algar's eyes. "I will give you my word that as long as you help the boy, I will not interfere. But I am not leaving him alone with your people after... well, you know."
Raven leaned her back on a tree, thinking "Night or early morning, quiet, in and out raid. Just to grab the two." She looked around the group of men "No fighting unless it becomes necessary"

"Wise, no doubt," he said, anxious to go right this minute to free his friends from their imprisonment but recognizing that the elven woman's plan was probably a good one. "Would you accompany us back to the wagons so that we may learn everything you know about these bandits and make a plan?" Then, suddenly realizing he didn't even know the woman's name, he made a belated introduction. "Oh, my apologies. I am Terrick. This is Chip, Silas, and Isaac," he said, pointing to each in turn.
"Wise, no doubt," he said, anxious to go right this minute to free his friends from their imprisonment but recognizing that the elven woman's plan was probably a good one. "Would you accompany us back to the wagons so that we may learn everything you know about these bandits and make a plan?" Then, suddenly realizing he didn't even know the woman's name, he made a belated introduction. "Oh, my apologies. I am Terrick. This is Chip, Silas, and Isaac," he said, pointing to each in turn.
Raven straightened and dipped her head slightly "I will. My name is Raven" She said and turned towards the other wagons
By the time Merek and Algar returned 10 minutes later, Linden had shuffled to his feet and was waiting with Mavis cradled in both arms. "Sure, I think so."He gave the crate a firm kick to test out its strength and knock it into the right position, then proceeded to cautiously place one foot at a time on top in case it broke under their combined weight. As he stepped up he let go of Mavis with one arm and shifted the boy to the other so that he had a free hand to balance himself with against the wall. Carrying Mavis and trying to step onto the small crate in the dim light was challenging, and he didn't want to accidently slip and drop his friend.

Once he was standing on top of the crate and had steadied himself, he hesitated in lifting his precious cargo up to the bandits. After all, they were the ones who had injured him in the first place... right? Instead of lifting Mavis up all the way, he grabbed ahold of Algar's arm which was partly lowered into the pit, waiting to grab Mavis, and jerked it forward. Not enough to drag him into the pit headfirst, of course, but to give a similar feeling to someone grabbing you on the edge of a cliff and saying 'saved your life'. "I'm coming with him." He said firmly, staring directly into Algar's eyes. "I will give you my word that as long as you help the boy, I will not interfere. But I am not leaving him alone with your people after... well, you know."

Algar had been half-expecting such a move on the part of the caravan guard, thus his reason for bringing Merek as backup. He locked eyes with Linden for a few moments before jerking his arm back. "Hand me the child. I'll put the rope down so you can climb up," he relented. "You can watch over him tonight."

Merek, who was holding the torch over the Pit, looked down at Mavis's unconscious form. "What fool-born measle did that?!" he exclaimed.

"I have a guess," Algar said, but didn't wish to elaborate until he was able to confirm his suspicions.
Linden gave a slight, accepting nod and lowered his free arm so that he could lift Mavis up with two. He placed one hand on his upper back with his fingers supporting his neck, and the other on his lower back. Standing on the crate, the ten foot wall seemed shorter and he reached the outstretched arms of Algar without much difficulty.

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