Carnivores Waking Up

A nepenthes gets huge and vines eventually. Id give it a nice deep pot. They seem to grow better with plenty root room. This one is a N. bicalcarata. Its in a 3 gallon pot.

Good luck with them! If you ever need any help with them just ask. Here's a flytrap I grew from seed. I think its 2 years old and just waking up.

well currently its in i'm guessing peat moss mix it came in so eventually i'm gonna have to put it in a bigger pot. How often should i water it. I'm used to taking care of vegetables and such but not a "monster" plant.
Flytraps(VFTs) need full sun. Seriously as much as you can give them. They like a very loose soil...50/50 peat/perlite or silica sand. They do not like nutrients or fertilizer of any kind. They naturally grow in very poor soil and get all the nutrients they need from the insects they catch. You should keep them moist at all times but not soaking wet. Lastly, never give them tap water...the mineral build up will slowly kill them. They need reverse osmosis(RO) water or distilled.

VFTs are also perrenial. They come back every year and divide like crazy every year.
good to know. I've been giving it bottled water. just enough to moisten the soil not enough for it to drain to the bottom of the pot. i do put it in the sun in the morning its on the kitchen counter in the evening it gets moved to the living room. it's in a plastic mini greenhouse thing it came with so any ideas when i can take it out of it.
They don't need the humidity cube. If its warm out where you are id take it outside and keep the pot its growing in in a tray with water 2 or 3 inches up the side of the pot. They like deep pots also as they have a long root system.
No problem at all. I like getting people addicted to these plants lol. I also think its sad that theyre so pretty and easy to grow and not many people know about them. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll have flowers to show off.

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