Caught that dang fox running off with one of our girls!


6 Years
Jun 12, 2013
Northern NY

We were in the garden as i was weeding getting ready to till and plant stuff for the chickens and we hear a scream, we bolt for the birds and Chris is running down the driveway yelling *its a looooong driveway like a logging road* i didnt see it till i had gone a lil ways my dog by my side, i saw it and pointed and told Rilee to get 'em and at first i thought he thought i was playing, then he saw the fox and flames just about shot from his butt and he flew past me, flew past Chris, the fox dropped the chicken which ran past us back towards the coop squawking her poor little head off, we called Rilee back before he hit the road about 75 yards up further, and hes been on high alert ever since... hes never seen a fox before and now that he knows chasing one will get him ample amounts of praise he is determined to find it and bring it to us lol....

Chicken seems ok, we arent positive which one it was but threw some scratch out to get em all together to see if anyone had wounds, everyone looked fine, then later found one hiding under the hay rake, no wounds but we assume it was the one, no dead chickens in the coop this am so all seems well....

NOW though, chickens are on full lockdown until this thing is caught, so we have a large livetrap with a baitbox and will cycle through unlucky volunforced youngstock to serve as bait....

Today im going to build them a small run as the coop is a bit overfull with 3 new generations added recently, but no more freeranging for a while...

were just lucky we got the bird back
Glad you got your girl back safe and sound. We've been battling foxes for the past two months with no luck in catching them. We have both a red and a gray fox lurking. The gray fox keeps cornering our cat so now she's an inside kitty which breaks my heart. She sits at the window and just stares outside. The red fox runs through our yard like he owns it. Sometimes he comes bounding through while we're out there!

We've been trying to trap them for about six weeks. No luck at all. We have, however, caught at least one cat and two possums - all of which we let go. No way to shoot them unless we sit up in a blind somewhere. By the time you see them and get the gun, they're gone.

Our girls are in a run for that very reason. I really wanted to free range them but even "supervised" free range isn't secure. Especially when I know there are at least two foxes running around.

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