Cause of 9 week old small cornish cross


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
This year was different, for some reason. I am thinking weather but we have 9 week old birds that are not worth processing. Took 1/2 a batch in and all were around 5lbs which I feel is REALLY small for 9 weeks, especially the cornish cross. We did feed non GMO feed and I thought maybe it was the feed, however, the processor said he's seeing a lot of small birds in 4-h this year. Could it be weather related? A friend of mine has the same problem and purchases from a different hatchery. They were extremely active but WOW am I disappointed eating 2 1/2 lb birds for dinner! We live in Michigan and it has been an extremely cool summer. I have 14 left to process but waiting 2 weeks, then I have to do it as they will be 11 weeks old. Anyone else have this problem?
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It's more likely the feed than anything elser (assuming you actually got real cornish cross and the hatchery isn't trying to breed their own birds).

Most of the non-gmo feeds are inferior in protein content, amino acid, etc. Corn and Soy are pretty much perfect base ingredients for chicken feed.
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