Cedar Park, TX - Does Animal Control have a right to get involved and state that I'm violating the l

I have not seen or heard of any change to this city ordinance. I too live in Cedar Park. Fortunately, the area I live does not have a HOA.... and roughly a dozen homes have chickens.... so I'm not too worried I will get in trouble. Animal Control lives near me and didn't bother to pick up my dog when he got out. Thankfully, Animal Control's neighbor did and brought him home. Maybe Cedar Park will join its city to the south and allow chickens within the "corporate limits".
Gee, I wonder if we are neighbors to the same crazy, just on opposite sides of him. Does he have a barking dog? One that can go on for five to six hours nonstop!? And isn't it strange that THAT ordinance here in Cedar Park is not enforced but having a couple of chickens gets animal control to our doors Johnny-on-the-spot! I was cited this past Monday and will have to have my chickens removed by tomorrow night to avoid a fine. I am fighting city hall and have contacted different local newspapers to try and promote a change in the ordinance. My neighbor is the #1 suspect in poisoning our dog, so we keep the coop as far away from the fence line as we can. My opposite side neighbor was totally unaware I've had chickens for the past five months! THAT'S how quite chickens are.Chickenrevolution.com is a good site to visit for solid information.
I talked to Mayor Powell of Cedar Park today. He has the issue of chickens in the backyard on the agenda for this Thursday the 8th of August! I have been campaigning him and the city council. He stated we are add-ons to the agenda, but this item will be called out of order. If you or anyone you know would like to attend the meeting starts at 6:30. If you would like to speak for 3 minutes sign-up time is 6:16.
This is for CedarPark Coop. There is a group called Chickens for Change in Cedar Park on facebook. If you haven't already joined, please do. There is a city council meeting Aug. 22 at 6:30 and many who are wanting chickens or who have lost their chickens because of animal control will be there. There is an email campaign going on for an ordinance change. Chime in and let your voice be heard!

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Quote: I live in the same city of Cedar Park as CedarParkCoop. The Facebook group, Chickens for Change in Cedar Park are very active in getting the ordinance changed. We have been emailing city council members and the mayor, whom I've actually spoken to twice. At the last city council meeting he stated it was tabled for now, no vote was taken. He wants to see if there is greater interest from more people than what were able to show up! One councilman stated he didn't like cleaning up after chickens when he was a teen, so he'd have to vote no!! How prejudicial is that??! HE didn't like them so no one else gets them. HUH? Another councilman stated they are "gateway livestock." Hmm are dogs and cats "gateway felines and canines" for bobcats and coyotes? One acre for ONE chicken is crazy when you can look in 7 out of 10 backyards and find 80-100 lb. dogs in backyards. Mine: 178 and 87 lbs do just fine on our 1/4 acre and need more exercise than a little bitty chicken! Feel free to write an email to Cedar Park City Council and voice your desire to have the ordinance changed. As long as the wings are clipped and they stay in our own backyards, they are less of a nuisance than any dog ever can be. Here's group emails for all of them: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Chickens for Change in Cedar Park invites anyone else who is pro-chicken to attend the City Council meeting Thurs. at 6:30. If you will speak, even better! Sign-in before hand so they will call your name at the time for speaking. We are allowed three minutes each. We want to change the ordinance that limits lot size to minimum 1 acre before chickens can be had! They don't care about any feel good statements, don't even read emails sent it would seem. We have to get a large crowd of people to be in seats to show there is interest in chickens in urban setting here in Cedar Park. If you can't come, tell friends about the efforts being done. The address is:
City of Cedar Park, Texas
450 Cypress Creek Road, Bldg #4
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Chickens for Change in Cedar Park invites anyone else who is pro-chicken to attend the City Council meeting Thurs. at 6:30. If you will speak, even better! Sign-in before hand so they will call your name at the time for speaking. We are allowed three minutes each. We want to change the ordinance that limits lot size to minimum 1 acre before chickens can be had! They don't care about any feel good statements, don't even read emails sent it would seem. We have to get a large crowd of people to be in seats to show there is interest in chickens in urban setting here in Cedar Park. If you can't come, tell friends about the efforts being done. The address is:
City of Cedar Park, Texas
450 Cypress Creek Road, Bldg #4
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Sorry, in above post I failed to state that the Thursday in question is Sept. 5. We hope to have a hall full of people to show the interest Mayor Powell states is needed to unshelve our request. To avoid a vote of "NO" we are asking for a 3rd party fact finding mission. Right now the council is working on their own "feelings" and personal bias towards chickens. A couple are in favor, but not the majority. We need to present a calm group not making demands, but expressing the desire for them to get the facts!

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