
Eggs arrived this afternnon just 2 had displaced airsacs but I am going to put them all in.Will take some pictures later and post them
Here are the eggs sorry for the poor picture quality,anyway the eggs are now in the incubator and I will keep updating their progress.I have found another breeder in Germany and am hoping to get another dozen eggs to diversify the lines
Lucky.... I have been looking for some in the US for a few weeks now.. My Parents think they are evil spawn but I think they are wicked looking.. In a good way.. Have fun and Most defintly WE NEED PICS when those bad boys hatch..
Well here I am again patiently waiting for the chicks to hatch they are due on Wednesday/Thursday,There looks to be 6 that are looking good and I saw movement on the last candling
2 have hatched and I can hear peeping from 2 more I will post pictures of the chicks if anyone is interested:D
We're all interested! If they're Ayam Cemani, for certain!
I know there's oooh one person with an Ayam Cemani cross in the US, but wow you're lucky!

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