CENTRAL FL SWAP MEET!!!!! See post #720 for new thread

Sounds fair to me! ur house ur rules!!!

No problems with that here either!! No one wants sick birds
I MIGHT be able to come. My brother is coming in from NC that weekend, I just have to figure out when.

How many others are coming thus far? Many silkie owners? (Would love to see pics of you guys silkies, so maybe we can start planning out the swap!)

How far is Gainesville from Jax, I don't go that way often?

It's about 1hr 45mins if you go I-10 (over to Baldwin) then down 301/SR200...Through Starke and Waldo.

It's actually a pretty quick drive, so there's no excuse not to come and bring your bestest birds (and your bro, of course...it'll be like taking him to the petting zoo!)

Have fun, everybody! I'm jealous that I can't be there

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Hi all,
I'm down in Ft Meyers. Not sure if I can make the 3 hr. treck this time or not. I am however VERY interested in the concept one way or another. I'm not ruling this one out yet though. Perhaps if this one works out people might be interested in a regular swap/meet/sale a few times a year? Anybody bringing anything BBS?

I would love to do this a couple times a year! How much fun! Maybe we could even vary the location a little so people wouldn't have to drive as far each time. Great idea! By the way, what's BBS stand for? I still don't get all the abbreviations...
Yes, I'd be all over something closer, but if everyone else is central or north, better one person drives 3 hrs than 5 people. I also think that varying the location would make sure one person is not stuck with organizing and having a bunch of people running around at their place every time. BBS= Blue, Black, Splash


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